Vision Solutions for Over 60s
Entering your 60s brings lots of exciting changes. With retirement on the horizon and the possible arrival of grandchildren, this decade could very well be the best of your life. However, with aging comes many less pleasant changes, too. You have a higher risk of contracting health problems that you’ve never experienced before. But have you ever thought about what your vision will be like in your 60s?
Vision Problems in Your 60s
Of course, it all depends on how healthy you are and how much you’ve kept in shape over the years. Unfortunately, time always catches up with us. By the time you’re in your 60s, you might experience several vision-related issues, including the following:
Floaters – A floater is where you see small spots that float across your vision. These can be totally harmless or a sign of bigger problems. If you notice floaters in your vision, you should visit an optician as soon as possible to try and determine the cause.
Cataracts – This is a very common problem for people aged 60 years and older. A cataract is the clouding of the lens in the eye. It’s easily detectable and can be fixed with a simple operation.
Glaucoma – This condition causes pressure in your eye and can damage your optic nerve. If you don’t treat it quickly, glaucoma can lead to tunnel vision and blindness. However, if it is caught early enough it can be avoided.
Macular Degeneration – This is the progressive loss of vision and it affects your ability to focus, read, and recognize objects. There is no cure, but you can slow down the progress of this disease.
Nearsightedness, Farsightedness, and Presbyopia – With these conditions, you lose the ability to focus and see objects that are either near or far from you. There are many things that you can do to improve these problems.
Regular Testing
If you notice that you are seeing signs of any of these problems, you should first consult your ophthalmologist. They will be able to diagnose any problems that you have. It’s important that you diagnose any of these issues quickly so that you can act sooner rather than later. This will help prevent long-term vision problems.
As you get older, it’s important that you get your eyes tested regularly. This becomes even more important when you reach your 60s. At this age, problems with vision can become more frequent and even more serious.
In some countries, retirees might be eligible for free eye tests. If you’re in one of these countries, get your eyes tested at least twice a year to ensure you catch any developing problems. Americans should learn more about getting free eye exams and assistance paying for them.
Corrective Lenses and Surgery
If your inability to focus is caused by being nearsightedness, farsightedness, or presbyopia, you will probably be advised to get corrective lenses. Or, you could be recommended to get glasses or even surgery.
However, relying.on corrective lenses can actually lead to the problem becoming more acute. Laser eye surgery comes with many risks and isn’t always successful. You should learn about all the risks before you opt for surgery. Plus, there is another option that you should consider first. Eye exercises can help you to restore your vision and should always be considered before glasses or expensive, dangerous surgery.
Healthy Eyes
As you enter your 60s, the importance of having an active and healthy lifestyle increases. Your eyes will benefit from eating the right amount of vitamins and minerals. Eating vegetables and fruit will help considerably. You should also get the correct amount of healthy fats, protein, and water each day.
Besides eye exercises, other exercises such as walking will help with your circulation. It will also improve your body’s ability to move oxygen around the body. This is very important when it comes to your eyes.
When reading or doing a task inside, make sure that you have good lighting. This will reduce the amount of eyestrain that you encounter. Increase natural daylight in your home and ensure that the artificial lighting inside is bright enough.
If you smoke, your risks of developing eye diseases go up immensely. You are not only putting yourself at risk for cancer, but you’re also increasing the chances of developing conditions like macular degeneration and cataracts. It’s never too late to quit smoking. You’ll see the amazing benefits of quitting even within the first few days.
The sun is another enemy of healthy eyesight. You should make sure that you wear sunglasses that have a built-in ultraviolet filter whenever you go outside. This will protect your eyes from the sun and reduce the chances of developing eye-related issues. And, don’t put your sunglasses away when summer’s over. The rays from the sun in the fall, winter, and spring are just as harmful as in the summer.
Finally, sleep is very important because your eyes take the time to repair damaged cells and lubricate themselves. As you know, your eyes are working from the moment you wake up. They rarely get a full break during the day, unless you take a nap. Bedtime is one of the only times of the day that your eyes get a much-needed break from doing their job. As you get older, sleep becomes even more important.
Vision Solutions for People Over 60
Vision is important for people of all ages, not just those over 60 years old. But as people get older, they need to take more care of themselves than ever before. With age comes a higher risk for developing age-related eye diseases. And, presbyopia (the natural deterioration of eyesight) starts to set in. By maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle, you can enjoy better vision for more years to come.
Eye vitamins are easy to take and will help ensure that your vision stays in better condition for longer. As your body starts to grow older, you will find it hard to keep up with everyday tasks. Having strong vision makes those other age-related challenges a little easier. If you take care of your eyes, you can ensure that they stay healthy for many more years to come.
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I’ve had floaters for years. I’ve always been told that no one knows the cause and there’s nothing that can be done about them. Has something been discovered? Enlighten me.
Hi Cheri,
Check out the following link about eye floaters.