Vision Solutions for 30s and Under
Not many people think about their vision in their 20s and 30s. After all, these are the ages where we focus on building our careers and starting families. We may be in tune with keeping our bodies healthy overall through going to the gym and eating well, but our eye health may not be on our radar. So what should you be doing for your vision in your 30s?
If you are one of the few experiencing vision issues during your 30s or earlier, these problems are likely due to some other reason besides aging. So, it’s important to be proactive in taking steps to improve and preserve your vision now. Here are just a few things you should consider for the sake of your vision before your 30s are over.
UV Rays
It’s no secret that ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun cause damage to your eyes, so it’s a good idea to protect your eyes from them. Wearing sunglasses whenever you are outside is essential for protecting your vision as you age (yes, even in the winter!).
Nowadays, most sunglasses will protect your eyes from UV rays. However, you should double-check to ensure they are actually UV-resistant. If they don’t protect your eyes, they are serving very little purpose other than making you look good!
Taking steps to protect your vision from UV rays while you are young will help you to slow down the effects of aging on your eyes. Make sure you’re wearing shades when you’re outdoors all year round. Even if it’s cloudy outside, UV rays are shining down on us!
Occupational Hazards
If you are in construction or some other manual labor field, chances are you are already very familiar with eye protection. It’s likely part of your uniform. However, those of us who work in offices or at other “low-risk” jobs need to think about protecting our eyes, too. More and more workers spend many hours per week sitting in front of a computer and looking at the monitor. To make matters worse, when they take a break, it’s to look at their phones.
You should be aware of the problems that this could cause your eyes and take preventative steps. If possible, take regular breaks from looking at the computer screen. Remember our 10-10-10 rule. This minimizes the possibility of getting eye strain, headaches, blurred vision, dry eyes, and other problems.
Moreover, you can also take steps now that will help protect your visual strength for years to come: add some eye exercises to your routine. It’s also important to think about things like blinking regularly. After all, as we look at a computer screen, we tend to blink less often. You may not think you need a reminder to blink, but most of us do. Consider adding a post-it note reminder at your desk. It’s also a fun conversation starter!
Here’s another exercise you can perform at your desk that will help strengthen your vision. Pick an object 10 feet away to stare at. Then, choose an object 20 feet away and finally, 30 feet away. Practice adjusting your vision to see farther and then closer. When you work indoors, your eyes rarely adjust to see things more than 10 feet away. That’s why taking breaks for exercises like these is so important. We want to prevent things like digital eye strain and Computer Vision Syndrome as much as possible.
Other Harmful Elements to Vision in Your 30s
Today, we’re surrounded by harmful elements that can cause issues for the well-being of your eyes. Cigarette smoke, dust, car exhaust, and pollution can all have negative effects on your vision. Even if you don’t notice the side effects now, they will certainly become clear when you start to age.
Make sure that you take the necessary steps to protect your eyes from these harmful elements. Quit smoking, wear eye protection when possible, and practice good hygiene around your eyes. These are things you may not think about when you’re in your 30s, but if done, you’ll be enjoying better vision later in life!
Regular Eye Tests
If you’ve been a long-time reader of Rebuild Your Vision, we don’t have to remind you how important it is to visit your eye doctor! At this stage of life, you should be making appointments at least once a year to ensure that you can diagnose any problems quickly. If you start to develop nearsightedness or farsightedness in the early stages, do eye exercises to ensure your eyes aren’t getting worse.
If your regular eye test shows that you have some issues, it’s important to follow your doctor’s orders quickly so that they don’t worsen as you age.
Good Health
A healthy diet with the right balance of vitamins and minerals will also really help to keep your vision in good condition. You are probably not noticing any deterioration in your vision yet. But, you must do everything that you can to keep your eyes in good condition.
If you take care of your eyes now, you can keep them in good condition well into your 40s, 50s, and even 60s!
Some vitamins and minerals can help with your eyesight. Here is just a short list:
If you want to ensure that your eyes are getting the proper nutrition, be sure to check out our Ocu-Plus Eye Vitamins. Each capsule contains all 17 essential eye health nutrients to keep your eyes healthy. If getting all your eye vitamins through your diet is a struggle, this is a great alternative.
Relax Your Eyes
When you are in your 20s and 30s, it’s important that you relax your eyes. The muscles in your eyes work very hard to focus and see clearly. You should take the time to relax these muscles so they can stay strong longer.
Getting enough sleep is vitally important to the well-being of your health and, in particular, your eyes. When you sleep, your body gets the chance to repair itself. If you don’t sleep enough, you’re not getting enough time for your eyes to relax and stay in good shape.
Preventing Vision Problems in Your 30s
Remember, at this age, you really want to prevent your eyes from getting worse. Prevention is the most important thing. If you get into good habits now, then your eyesight stands a better chance of prolonging the natural aging process.
Therefore, take a little bit of time to consider what your eyes are going through and what you can do to prevent issues such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and presbyopia. These problems become more common as you age unless you do everything you can to prevent them. Like the tips above state, focus on getting all your vitamins daily. Use eye exercises to keep your eye muscles in shape. Avoid smoking and UV rays, and always go in for your annual eye exam.
Our Rebuild Your Vision Ocu-Plus Formula Contains All 17 Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbal Supplements to Improve Your Eye Health!
I am having sph 0.5 and cyl 1.75 @ right eye.then sph 0 and cyl 1.50 @ left eye.i gets pain especially in right eye when i strain. What is the remedy???
Hi my daughter has -5.00 and -5.90 so please tell me how can her eyesight become better again as you know that 7.00 is officially blind and that is really making me sooo scared
How to correct my eyeside…..my eyeside -2.50 both right&left.
I have -4.00 on both eyes farsightedness. how will I recover from this problems by eye exercise. please guide me
i have farsightedness problem. In right eye i have -ve4.00 number and in left i have -ve 4.50 number. how can i reduce my eyesight numbers. Thank you.
Please,I would like to know your lessons.Thanks.
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