Improve Your Eyesight Naturally

Improve Your Eyesight Naturally

Improve Your Eyesight Naturally

Many people who have less-than-perfect vision automatically resort to getting glasses, contacts, or even LASIK surgery. However, these aren’t the only options to improve your eyesight. Did you know that there are tons of ways to improve your eyesight naturally?

Rebuild Your Vision readers and customers know that there are many things you can start doing at home to sharpen your vision naturally. Remedies vary from adequate vitamin intake to exercises and even simple lifestyle changes.

These days, our eyes are going through more than ever due to technological changes. So, it’s even more important that we take proper care of our eyes so that we can have an enjoyable quality of life for years to come.

Let’s take a moment to go over some of the basics for improving your eyesight naturally.

Nutrition to Improve Eyesight

If you love to cook, it’s time to get out your apron. Healthy vision and what you eat go hand in hand. The vitamins A, C, and E are absolutely essential to healthy eyes.

Vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, and leafy greens are high in vitamin A. Fruits such as oranges and strawberries are both delicious and high in vitamin C, but so are veggies – broccoli and even chili peppers are high in vitamin C too. This vitamin supports good vision by serving as an antioxidant, keeping your eyes young and healthy.

Things get a little bit nutty when you’re trying to find foods with a rich vitamin E content. Get out the peanut butter and pesto because almonds, peanuts, and even pine nuts are rich in vitamin E! Vitamin E is essential to good eye health because it also fights free radicals as an antioxidant. Free radicals cause cells to die off, which can be damaging to your retina, so it’s important to monitor your vitamin E intake.


Don’t forget your minerals – zinc and copper are important parts of your diet, so make sure that you are eating foods rich in these minerals too. Foods high in zinc range from oysters to dark chocolate, while foods high in copper include sesame seeds and dried herbs. Zinc’s importance stems from its abundance in our eyes already – it helps transform beta carotenes into usable vitamin A.

We understand that many people just don’t have the time to prepare, cook, and eat a healthy diet every day. However, these vitamins and minerals are so important for your eye health that on days when you just can’t eat right, we recommend that you try an eye-healthy supplement. If you can give back to your eyes by ensuring they are getting their proper nutrients, they will give back to you as you age – with proper care, you’ll still be able to enjoy reading and other close activities well into your senior years!

Give Your Eyes a Rest

Have you been abusing your eyes? Do you stare at a computer screen all day long only to come home and flip on the tube? It’s important not to underestimate the importance of rest and relaxation when it comes to your health – including your eye health. When the other muscles in your body are sore from overworking, you think nothing of taking a break and relaxing. Your eyes need the same type of care when they are sore and overworked!

Digital eye strain is a real issue in today’s society. With more and more of our workday and culture happening online, it’s impossible to avoid screen time completely. However, you can do things to give your eyes a break, such as taking advantage of those nighttime settings, investing in a pair of blue light-blocking glasses, or simply by taking a physical break and incorporating some simple eye exercises into your workday.

You will know when your eyes are getting strained. You will notice your vision starts to get blurry, or you have a scratchy feeling, or you may find yourself rubbing your eyes often. These are signs that your eyes need a break. Consider taking a walk or simply sitting on a deck or balcony and looking at nature instead of electronic screens. Even a short break from computer screens, television screens, and electronic reading devices can help your eyes and relieve the blurriness.


If you’re stuck behind a computer monitor all day long, take a break! Make sure you are scheduling yourself, and your eyes, some much-needed off-time. We recommend the 10-10-10 Rule, which requires taking 10-second eye breaks every 10 minutes by looking at something 10 feet away, while you’re behind a computer monitor to give your eyes a rest.

And most of all, don’t forget to sleep – aim for a healthy eight hours every night. This way, you can give your eyes time to rebuild and repair from a long day of work!

A few simple changes really can help you improve your vision naturally. Eat a diet rich in the nutrients that your eyes need to be healthy. Give your eyes a break and make sure they’re rested and not overworked.

It’s Never Too Late to Improve Eyesight Naturally!

No matter what age you are, or what the condition of your eyes is, these simple changes can help you to improve your vision. People who have worn corrective lenses all their lives, as well as those who have already had one or more surgeries on their eyes, can benefit from changes in diet and exercise. The sooner you begin to make these changes in your lifestyle, the sooner you will be able to see some benefit from these simple steps. If you’re looking to take what you’ve learned today another step further, you can also try out some eye exercises to strengthen your eye muscles and vision. With all of these tools in your arsenal, you’ll be well on your way to achieving better vision – for life.

So if you are reading this and thinking to yourself, “I wish I’d found this information sooner,” realize that you can still benefit from it.

We only get one pair of eyes; they have to last us our whole life. It just makes sense to ensure that they have the building blocks that they need to remain strong and healthy. With the right vitamins, minerals, and exercise, your eyes will continue working for you as long as you need them. Treat your eyes well and they’ll do the same for you.

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  1. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen Nicole Maer says:

    Thanks for the great info Tyler! Eye relaxation exercises can also help improve eyesight. One of my favorites is gently rubbing my palms for 10 to 15 seconds and then placing them over my eyes.

  2. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen Ivy Baker says:

    This is some really good information about improving your eyesight naturally. I liked that you pointed out that it would be smart to give your eyes a rest. My eyes have been bothering me a lot lately. It might be smart for me to try not getting on the computer or my phone for a few days.

  3. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen Dave says:

    This comes too late for me since I have just had cataract surgery, which has left me with good distant vision but poor near vision even though my eye health appears to be good.

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About the Author

Avatar for Tyler Sorensen

Tyler Sorensen is the President and CEO of Rebuild Your Vision. Formerly, Tyler studied Aeronautics (just like his brother) with the dream of becoming an airline pilot, however, after 9/11 his career path changed. After graduating top of his class with a Bachelor of Science in Informational Technologies and Administrative Management, he joined Rebuild Your Vision in 2002. With the guidance of many eye care professionals, including Behavioral Optometrists, Optometrists (O.D.), and Ophthalmologists (Eye M.D.), Tyler has spent nearly two decades studying the inner workings of the eye and conducting research.


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