7 Tips to Relieve Eye Strain
Life today is full of stress. You may feel like you’re always rushing from work to the train to home to the gym and then back again. Between running from one place to another, we pull out our smartphones. We’re either checking emails, messages, or playing games to pass the time. You may be staring at a screen all day long, leaving your eyes little time to catch a break. If you’ve started experiencing stress in your eyes, it’s not a surprise. It’s becoming a lot more common, but we have the best natural ways to relieve eye strain.
Our overworked eyes affect every part of our being. Eye strain and pain can prevent us from living our lives to the fullest. Proper eye care can positively affect our bodies, minds, and emotional well-being. We should also work to take care of our emotions, bodies, and minds as they have a powerful effect on our eyes. When we are rushed or stressed, it’s often reflected in our eyes. They feel strained, tired, or sore.
Getting Rid of Eye Strain
You can still live a busy lifestyle without experiencing eye strain. Improving your eye care doesn’t necessarily mean giving up your screen time. Let’s go over some ways we can help relieve eye strain naturally and fast. With these seven tips, you’ll be seeing yourself as a more relaxed you in no time!
1. Protect Your Eyes
Rain, snow, sleet, and generally cloudy days may tempt you to put away the sunglasses. But, not quite so fast! Depending on the season, the sun seems less present. Know that the sun’s rays are still penetrating through the clouds at different angles. These angles can be just as damaging as a day at the beach! No matter the weather or season, you need to protect your eyes. Whether it’s cloudy in London, snowy in Aspen, or sunny in Arizona, sunglasses are necessary.
Remember, damaging ultraviolet light and glare are hiding just behind that rain cloud. So put your sunglasses back on!
2. Beware of Artificial Lighting
These days, we spend an awful lot of time under fluorescent lights and not much time in natural lighting. Whether we work in a windowless cubicle or a huge restaurant, we probably aren’t getting enough natural light.
If you stop by the mall after work, you’re just adding to the growing problem. It’s harmful to expose your eyes to too much artificial lighting. Yes, you’re probably exhausted from work and already experiencing eye strain. Don’t make it worse by spending more time in artificial lighting. Instead, take a break. Go outside for a walk or to sit on a park bench. Let your eyes adjust to the natural lighting and allow your eye muscles to relax.
If you can’t find the time to go outdoors, at least disconnect from all the artificial lighting and screens. Try simply closing your eyes and resting several times a day. At the very least, abide by our 10-10-10 rule. It’s good for your mind and your eyes!
3. Don’t Get Wiped Out
You may be on the web all day long for both work and entertainment. You may use a computer to check your email and connect with your colleagues throughout the day. Then, you come home and use the computer to connect with your friends and family at night.
All that web surfing is hard on your eyes. Digital eye strain is a very real concern for today’s society. Some of the symptoms you’re experiencing can include eye strain, blurred vision, headaches, and neck or shoulder pain. Help combat the result of too much surfing by taking frequent breaks.
Be sure your work area is well-lit and that your computer’s monitor isn’t too close to your eyes. It should be tilted slightly away from you, like a book. Adjust your screen settings so that the monitor is set to a comfortable brightness, usually matching the surrounding room lighting.
Computer-generated eye strain has become so common that they even have a name for it: Computer Vision Syndrome.
4. Blink It Out
When we use computers, it’s a fact that we blink less. Not blinking enough leads to eye strain, something that can be easily combated by remembering to blink. Blinking often helps to keep your eyes lubricated so that they don’t get that tired, scratchy feeling.
Take a mini break when you’re working and blink 10 times as fast as you can. End your mini break with a brief but relaxing massage around your temples. Remember to be gentle with the massage. Warm up your palms by rubbing them together rapidly. Then, place them on your closed eyelids. The warmth will help soothe and relax the muscles and relieve eye strain. A perfect mid-workday break for your eyes!
5. Treat Your Eyes
Take advantage of some of the stress-relieving products on the market today. Gel eye masks, flax seed pillows, and herbal sachets can help you relax while reducing the puffiness of your eyes.
Spa products not in the budget? Save some money by simply slicing up a cucumber to press over your eyes. This easy trick is a quick stress-relieving solution to eye fatigue! This solution works great for work as well as at home. If your eyes are feeling the strain, take a few minutes of your lunch hour to apply cucumber slices.
6. Travel Safely
Traveling, whether for work or pleasure, can really take a toll on your eyes. As flight attendants and pilots know all too well, in-flight air is drier than a desert. When you’re traveling, be sure to stay hydrated throughout your trip. Make sure you have a water bottle at your side everywhere you go. Drink frequently to prevent your eyes from getting dry; this is one of the easiest ways to prevent and relieve eye strain.
If you’re flying during the daytime make sure you have your sunglasses handy as well. Remember, the sun is always there, ready to do damage, even when the clouds are covering it!
7. Take Your Vitamins
Yes, eye vitamins help improve your vision. By incorporating the right vitamins, minerals, and herbs into your daily routine, you can stop eye strain. And, you can greatly improve your vision and keep it strong for years to come. Work on getting better at meal planning and prepping each week. Try to ensure each meal has the necessary dose of nutrients your eyes need. You may want to consider taking an eye health supplement. Choose a supplement that’s natural, effective, and safe.
Eye strain is a serious problem more and more people are dealing with. Use the tips above to reduce your eye strain and improve your overall eye health.
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Hi Tyler wish would help, I have 2 cataracts in both eyes my right eye gets red in the corner everyday.I use drops.
Thanks Tyler
Patricia, review the following article on how to prevent cataracts naturally.
And now my eyes are feeling good.
Thanks Tyler it was great trying these!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thank you Tyler so much, my eyes deserve this time for relaxation, and they feel much better.
thanks a lot for ur tips
Thanks Tyler i had tired eyes and tried these tips and now they feel great
You are a beautiful human being, Tyler Sorensen !! 🙂
Thanks Tyler I will definitely try the tips
Thanks Tyler I will practice it to get most of it.
i have very dry eyes
Wonderful tips. I am sure I am going to use them and give my eyes the relaxation it deserves. Thank you Sir.