Can You Improve Presbyopia Naturally?
From the moment we wake up in the morning to when we finally shut our eyes and go to bed for the night, our eyes are hard at work for us. As children, we don’t think about the damage we could be doing to our eyes when we’re outside playing. We just want to be out in the sunshine having fun. After all, what kid asks themselves how to improve presbyopia naturally? Most kids, and most people, in reality, probably don’t even know what presbyopia is.
This attitude continues into adulthood as well. As we get older, we worry more about how we look than how well we see. For most people, it isn’t until they develop a vision problem that they really stop and think about how much their eyes do for them.
We most likely don’t give our eyes enough credit.
They are the hardest working muscles in the human body and they don’t get much rest during the day. Since we’re used to taking our eyes for granted for so long, it’s a shock to us when our vision suddenly becomes a bit blurry.
Many people simply assume that the blurriness is a process of aging. They may go out and purchase reading glasses so that they can continue to read and do other fine work. But eyeglasses are not always the best option when it comes to treating nearsightedness.
Blurred vision caused by aging usually doesn’t start until you hit your 40s. Then, when it does start, it’s often rather upsetting after a lifetime of dependable vision. After all, when your ability to read and perform detailed tasks such as reading or even writing begins to diminish due to blurred vision, the most simple tasks can become really frustrating.
If you’ve been diagnosed with blurred vision, you may be wondering this: can you improve presbyopia naturally?
In this post, we will talk about what presbyopia is and how it can be treated with natural alternatives.
What Is Presbyopia?
Before we discuss whether you can improve presbyopia naturally, let’s first find out what exactly the condition entails.
When we are young (or younger than age 40, anyway), we can rely on our eyes’ lenses to change shape quickly so that we can easily focus on a sign far away and a map up close. For most people, these are normal, natural processes that we take for granted. Our eyes are flexible and we feel no strain when we use them.
As we age, however, our lenses become more rigid and can no longer change shape the way they did. This rigidity in our eyes’ lenses can result in presbyopia.
Presbyopia is due to the loss of elasticity in our lenses after the age of 40; it makes it hard for our eyes to focus on up-close objects like books, newspapers, and computer screens. Things that we try to see up close start to appear blurry to us.
You may think you don’t need to worry about presbyopia until you are in your 40s, but unfortunately, that’s no longer the case. We rely on our eyes more and more every day because we spend more and more time on screens as technology improves. Unfortunately, all of this screen time can cause presbyopia to creep up on us earlier than normal. So, it’s important that we all pay attention to natural treatments for presbyopia and implement them in our lives sooner rather than later.
Natural Treatments for Presbyopia
The standard treatment for people suffering from presbyopia is a prescription for corrective contact lenses or eyeglasses. Surgery, in some cases, is also an option for improving presbyopic eyes. Neither of these options is great because they’re considered quick fixes.
In other words, the corrective lenses are not actually correcting the problem. They are just treating the symptoms. While you wear glasses or contacts, it is easier to see clearly, but when you take them out the blurriness returns.
Another option, one that is far more natural and less well-known, is eye exercises. Simple eye exercises can help retrain and rewire your vision so that your eyes, and lenses, get stronger over time. This is a less well-known treatment, but it works to actually solve the problem instead of covering it up.
It’s possible to train your eyes to focus instead of relying on glasses or bifocals to do all of the heavy lifting. Eye exercises are not difficult to do; they aren’t painful or time-consuming. Simply encouraging your eyes to focus on two different objects or to track objects around a room can do wonders for your age-related farsightedness.
Eye exercises are designed to help strengthen the muscles in your eyes so that they can once again function as they did in your youth.
Using eye exercises to improve your vision naturally does take a little more time. Just like exercises to strengthen other muscles in your body, you have to stick with it. Eye exercises to naturally improve presbyopia are most effective when performed on a regular basis just like any other exercise program.
Improve Your Diet
In order to get the best results from eye exercises, you may want to consider a change in your diet. If you have the time, a well-balanced diet high in vitamins C, E, and A can help provide the nutrients that your eyes need for optimal health.
Most of the vitamins and minerals that provide the highest benefits for your vision can be found in fruits and vegetables. However, we know that many people today just don’t have the time to prepare and eat a totally natural diet. For people with active, or hectic, lifestyles, a vitamin supplement geared toward eye health may be the best solution.
Before starting a vitamin supplement, you should always speak with your medical practitioner first. This can be especially important if you are already taking other prescription medicines. Even though vitamins are good for you there is a chance that they could react badly with one of the medications you are currently taking. By taking action now, you can drastically improve your eyesight later on down the road. You may even be able to avoid presbyopia entirely!
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I have had great success with these exercises and have used them on and off for the last 10 years to avoid getting glasses. When my vision starts to blur again I revisit the exercises.
I am interesting to try eye exercise to improve my eyesight
…and the exercises aaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeee?? what?!? I thought I was missing part of the article until I saw “Anonymous”‘s post.
What are some examples? Are there “eye workouts” you can describe? I use my eyes daily & having to (or trying to) focus on things close is how I’ve realized I have an issue developing. Just doing more of what I’m already doing won’t work.
Please provide some better detail of actionable items. – thanks
So…what are the eye excercises? Perhaps detailing what they are, how to do them and how they work might be useful?
Improved from -3.7 4.2 now 0.25 for L/R with homeopathic treatment
don,t worry. it requires too much to focus … only exercise & supplement Nil result.
For example
mesh work. suspension muscles, nerves, lens flexibility,chambers of eyes deposits(microscopic) aqueous humor endocrine.. menstruation(F) prostatitis (M) BP Kidney intestinal peristaltic movement constipation behavioral symptoms, profession and much more to achieve the goal
For all above
What was the homeopathic remedy you used, please? Also, did you see an optician who was also a homeopath or a general homeopath?
Not the medical advice or solution we need in the modern world. Doing “eye exercises” every day to improve presbyopia? Really?? Not helpful. No one is going to do that. Tell us the surgical options, the stem cell options, the laser options, the implant options, etc
do you have any personal experience where eye exercises & optimal nutrition have
improved presbyopia?
And what was your vision improvement journey
nb. there are a line of eye specific supplements called Natural Science that are designed for specific eye problems. They were a physician old product, now available to public online.
They were very helpful to my grandfathers vision problems.:)
pls share the link for yoga exercises. i work on laptop 12 hours a day. fed up of wearing glasses.
Thanks for the comment. Glad to hear it works
Well … download yourself into Matrix and order a new set of eyes … if you are that lazy
Apparently someone does not understand the title, specifically the word “natural”.
Eye exercise/yoga works, I no longer need glasses and I’m 48 since making the exercise part of my daily routine. It is not rocket science, your eye has muscle tissue just like anything else in your body and you have to maintain it.