Refreshing Eye Exercises for Tired Computer Users Image

6 Refreshing Eye Exercises for Tired Computer Users

Staring at a computer screen all day long sure puts a strain on your eyes. Poor lighting, an increase in visual demands, and not enough blinking are all factors that contribute to computer-related eyestrain and blurry vision. Added to that, many computer users often turn to smaller devices like their phones amidst their busy workday, which just makes the strain on your eyes even worse.

Americans today suffer from fatigued and overworked eyes as a result of using computers for work, school, and entertainment. The Optometrists Network reports that 59 percent of adults experience eye strain from computer use. It even has an official name now: Digital Eye Strain. Not only can eye strain put a damper on your productivity, but stressed eyes may also lead to work errors, headaches, and possibly even glaucoma.

Refreshing Eye Exercises for Tired Computer Users ImageSince simply throwing the computer away isn’t an option for most folks, there are some helpful eye exercises that can help relieve the strain computer screens place upon your eyes. In this post, we’ll go over six basic exercises to help you relieve work-related eye strain and start feeling better.

These exercises will not only help your eyes feel better and allow you to complete your work in a timely manner, they will also save you money! No more pain relievers to get rid of the headaches! No more eye drops to stop that scratchy feeling you get when you strain your eyes! Here are some natural ways to help treat tired eyes.

1. Palming

Start this exercise in a comfortable position. First, rub your palms together to create a bit of heat. Next, form your hands into cup shapes. Now, take your hands and press them over your (closed) eyes. Put your left hand on your left eye and your right hand on your right eye. Let the heat warm your eyes and relax for a few minutes like this.

2. Blinking

Since a lack of blinking is one of the contributing factors to computer-induced eyestrain as it dries out your eyes and causes scratchiness, it’s very important to blink. You may have to train yourself to blink normally while computing. Aim for a blink every four seconds to keep your eyes nicely lubricated and happy. This sounds like a simple task, but when focusing on a computer screen it can be difficult to remember.

3. Eye Rolling

Just as neck rolling can do wonders for stiff necks, eye rolling can really do wonders for your eye muscles, especially when you’ve been sitting in front of a computer screen for hours. Take a quick break to roll your eyes during work. It’s pretty simple to pick up: simply close your eyelids and roll your eyes around in circular motions. It almost feels like your eyes are getting a massage, so enjoy! This helps to lubricate your eyes and eases the strain on the muscles.

4. Visual Scanning

After so many hours staring at up-close objects on a screen, help your eyes adjust between objects both near and far. Sit back and observe the room you are in. Find an object at one end of the room and begin to scan the outline of every single thing in the room. For example, start with a television and then move on to the DVD player next to it, and then move on to the window behind it.

Basically, you want your eyes to be in constant, deliberate motion as you visually take stock of everything around you. You may already think that you are doing this, but most people, when working or playing on the computer, focus entirely on what is on the screen.

5. Focusing

Take a visual break and focus on something else every now and then. It’s important to take your eyes off the computer screen and look away at something else for several seconds or a minute. Aim to do this at least once every 10 minutes. Our 10-10-10 rule is a great idea to keep in mind when you are at work all day.

6. Glancing

Sometimes a glance is more than just a glance! Start this one with your eyes closed while sitting. Keep your eyes closed as you glance up as far as comfortably possible. Hold for a moment, then look down. Repeat a few times and then take an eye-breather (open your eyes and look around). Next, close your eyes again. Now, keeping your eyes closed like before, look to the right and the left. Repeat this a few times.

Other Tips to Save Your Eyes

Now don’t let your eyes become weak and overly strained from too much computer time. Take charge of your eye health with these simple eye exercises when you’re using the computer. We understand that computers are everywhere. You use them at work, home, and school. With these simple and easy-to-do breaks, even the most hardcore computer users can avoid some of the dangers straining your eyes can result in.

Your eyes are muscles just like other muscles in your body; they become sore when held in one position for too long. When your shoulders get stiff and sore, you shrug or roll them. The same idea is behind these eye exercises. Give your eye muscles a break and they will thank you!

And just as the body and eyes need exercise, they also need a healthy diet. There are many eye-healthy foods you could easily incorporate into your meals. We understand life can be busy, so it’s not always easy to get the required amount of vitamins each day; in that case, you could try a proven eye vitamin supplement.

By doing a few of these exercises for computer users and taking a daily eye vitamin, you may increase your productivity, fix blurry vision, eliminate headaches and work errors, and maybe even reduce your risk of glaucoma! When you stop and think about what you gain by following these simple exercises, there is really no reason not to give them a try. Work and school can be difficult enough without straining your eyes and giving yourself more of a headache than necessary.

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  1. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen Nishantha Amarasekara says:

    I am using spectacles while working computer..from recent past started to have a severe headache similar to migraine..When I met a optometrist he checked my eyes and said you need to replace the spectacles with good power adding one.but my current spectacle is clearly visible to me.The checked my eye pressure and as there is a slight variance against the average in left hand he wanted me to meet a eye surgon..but so far I didnot..but when I used eye drop and worked in the computer there is no please advice me what to do doctor?Thank u

  2. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen Mohammed says:

    Thank you for your effective information

  3. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen Mr G N Mahir says:

    Used these long time ago, and with healthy diet (i.e. no processed stuff as much as possible + more fruit and veg) AND LONGER palming, I managed to get my eyesight improved, twice, to change my glasses to a lower strength (obvioulsy to the disbelief of the optician!)
    In addition, there are NECK EXERCISES.
    You may read Better Eyesight Without Glasses by Harry Benjamin (this is some 90 years ago), which is based on the Bates method.

  4. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen Rosie Page says:

    Constantly working in front of a computer can cause a serious pain in our eyes and it is glad to see the article that offers some effective eye exercise for a tired computer user and as I personally tried these all, they truly work and stressed out you from all computer syndrome. Or you can consult Hotmail Customer Service for some manipulation on the computer for less eye pain. Hope you’ll also be helpful by both of this.

  5. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen JD says:

    Thanks for such great and simple tips!!

  6. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen mukesh kumar says:

    it is beneficial for increase the power of eye sight…

  7. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen Ayushi says:

    It is very good for us

  8. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen Paula Monica Samuelson says:

    IT helped me! I was suffering , my eyes were acking and itching, so I did this blinking and rolling! Wow after 3 min while reading felt better!! Thank you.

  9. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen Aryanna says:

    Awesome blog. The computer brightness should be reduced to low while watching your system long hours. Also it would help to relieve from neck pain and eye strain also.

  10. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen Blake Rodgers says:

    This site really helped me a lot. Thank you so much!!

  11. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen Savage says:

    All of these are really useful thanks for the tips. I am sitting in a classroom so would now be a good time to do them.

  12. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen KANWAL says:

    wow ! these exercises are too good and easy i’ll try all these.

    T H A N K Y O U !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen Anonymous says:

    lovely information thank you

  14. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen Ivan Kulyk says:

    thankyou for the information it will help my project

  15. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen mehran says:

    hi, thank you for these nice information!

  16. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen ahmad says:

    after 30 min of study my eyes got tired and it starts pain and then it results into headache plz solve my problem what to do

  17. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen Rauf Mughal says:

    Pls suggest more ways in which the eye sight can be improved within I or 2 months. Cause my eye degree has became now worse.

  18. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen grace kaze says:

    Thanks for the information listed. I am going to try them.

  19. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen san says:

    Well i think trying palming at 3-4 min continuesly gives you a fractional improvment
    . If you have nerves to do maximum may your eyes get better and less tired.

    Relaxation may help further. Myself trying to learn these aspects.

  20. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen Rachel says:

    How often should we do each exercise for each day to get the fastest improvement? How long does it take for obvious improvement?

  21. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen Ruta says:

    This works, but is there a way to make these exercises more effective?

  22. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen PRIYA says:


  23. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen Yashwant Singh motilaljee jain pagaariyaa india says:

    Please get checked by opthalmologist and take vitamin A
    C E and zinc flex seeds powder

    ,do exercise for eyes ocu plus is a good solution

  24. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen mike says:

    i usually go outside for a good 30 mins and it helps my eyes after i study but its just me 😀

  25. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen Tay Tay24 says:

    But that is hard when you have school.

  26. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen John Pierre says:

    Go to the beach look at an particullar object,do what the article said,wash your eyes and your face & walk around also lastly, go to the doctor.

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About the Author

Avatar for Tyler Sorensen

Tyler Sorensen is the President and CEO of Rebuild Your Vision. Formerly, Tyler studied Aeronautics (just like his brother) with the dream of becoming an airline pilot, however, after 9/11 his career path changed. After graduating top of his class with a Bachelor of Science in Informational Technologies and Administrative Management, he joined Rebuild Your Vision in 2002. With the guidance of many eye care professionals, including Behavioral Optometrists, Optometrists (O.D.), and Ophthalmologists (Eye M.D.), Tyler has spent nearly two decades studying the inner workings of the eye and conducting research.


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