Vision Problems

Early Eyes: Strabismus and Amblyopia in Children

Strabismus and Amblyopia in Children Image

We spend an awful lot of time on this site talking about what happens to aging eyes. As older folks, to put it nicely, that’s something we can either sympathize with or worry about. However, for many people, the degenerating vision that comes along with age (presbyopia) isn’t really a looming issue. Or well, it might be, […]

Dry Eyes: Causes and Treatments

Dry Eyes Causes and Treatments Image

When do you usually cry? Is it when you’re sad or happy? Do you sometimes shed a few tears when watching a movie or reading a book? Some people cry when they’re angry. Many strong emotions can bring on tears. People often cry when they are in pain. Unfortunately, sometimes people struggle with not being […]

Kids Spend Too Much Time on Vision Damaging Electronic Devices

Kids Spend Too Much Time on Vision Damaging Electronic Devices Image

Technology has become an even bigger part of life than it was even just a few years ago. Computers, cell phones, tablets, and video games are staples in homes and even schools these days. It’s no wonder that many parents don’t realize just how much time their children are spending on electronic devices, or, more […]

10 Signs Your Child May Be Suffering from a Vision Problem

10 Signs Your Child May Be Suffering from a Vision Problem Image

A child’s performance in school can be either a source of pride or frustration for parents and children alike. Sometimes, parents tend to overlook small signs that could be associated with a bigger problem, like eyesight issues. Especially when it comes to in-class behavior, reading, and concerns about learning disorders, like ADD/ADHD or dyslexia, parents […]

Can Dark Therapy Rebuild Vision?

Can Dark Therapy Rebuild Vision Image

Can you believe that sitting in a dark room for several days could improve your vision? It seems a little crazy, but some researchers in Canada and at Carnegie Mellon have found that it may just work! In complete darkness, your eyes will be resting much more and allow some unique things to happen. That’s […]

The Eye Damaging Effects of Decorative Contact Lenses

Decorative contact lenses can damage your eyes if they aren't properly prescribed.

Decorative contact lenses allow you to change your eye color and are often used as everyday fashion accessories. They are also often used as temporary decorations, like to make your eyes look creepy for Halloween. You may pick some up at your local costume store or order them from an online retailer. People wear them […]

Can 3D Technology Affect Your Child’s Vision?

Can 3D Technology Affect Your Child’s Vision Image

The world cannot seem to get enough of 3D technology. Sure, the physical world around us is 3D. Yet it is somehow more impressive when a movie or video game can recreate that life in three-dimensionality. But, as fun and realistic as 3D makes movies and games, this technology may be harming your children’s eyesight. […]

Congenital Cataracts: Yes, Babies Can Have Cataracts Too

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When you hear the word ‘cataracts’, it’s pretty common to think of seniors. However, babies can also have cataracts; in infants, it’s called congenital cataracts. Out of every 10,000 babies born in developing countries, doctors diagnose one to three with cataracts. In the U.S., cataracts occur in three to four babies per 10,000. Congenital cataracts […]

Your Child and Myopia

Child Myopia Image

More and more children are being diagnosed with myopia, or nearsightedness, every year. Many people are wondering why there has been such an increase in the number of children who are nearsighted. In addition, there are questions as to what exactly causes nearsightedness in children and what the long-term risks are. What about the children […]

Your Child’s Eye Health

There is no better time to check your child’s eye health than right now! Eye exams are an important part of this process. Did you know that your child’s vision matures between ages nine and 11? You can see why it is important that they receive early eye exams! The sooner you find the vision […]

About the Author

Avatar for Tyler Sorensen

Tyler Sorensen is the President and CEO of Rebuild Your Vision. Formerly, Tyler studied Aeronautics (just like his brother) with the dream of becoming an airline pilot, however, after 9/11 his career path changed. After graduating top of his class with a Bachelor of Science in Informational Technologies and Administrative Management, he joined Rebuild Your Vision in 2002. With the guidance of many eye care professionals, including Behavioral Optometrists, Optometrists (O.D.), and Ophthalmologists (Eye M.D.), Tyler has spent nearly two decades studying the inner workings of the eye and conducting research.


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