
How Digital Devices Cause Nearsightedness

How Digital Devices Cause Nearsightedness

Most of us would agree that the state of health care today is much better than it was a few decades ago. Since then, we’ve made huge strides forward. There have been major breakthroughs in the fields of genetics, vaccinations, and medication. But while the overall picture brightens, some small spots still have problems. One […]

Treating Myopia in Children: The Pros and Cons of Orthokeratology

Curing Myopia in Children: The Pros and Cons of Orthokeratology Image

The obvious question today is this: what the heck is orthokeratology? The short answer: orthokeratology (or Ortho-k) is a cutting-edge treatment for nearsighted children. We’ll unpack that moving forward, but here’s the basic gist. Ortho-k treatments involve using specially designed overnight contacts to correct myopia, or nearsightedness. As with any such treatment, there’s plenty to like […]

Your Child and Myopia

Child Myopia Image

More and more children are being diagnosed with myopia, or nearsightedness, every year. Many people are wondering why there has been such an increase in the number of children who are nearsighted. In addition, there are questions as to what exactly causes nearsightedness in children and what the long-term risks are. What about the children […]

Can LASIK Eye Surgery Cure Myopia?

Can LASIK Eye Surgery Cure Myopia?

Myopia is more commonly referred to as nearsightedness. It’s a condition that makes close objects appear clear, but objects that are farther away appear blurry. This condition occurs when a person’s eyeball is too long. Or, if the cornea, which is the front covering of your eye, has an excessive curvature. So can LASIK cure […]

Myopia, Hyperopia and Astigmatism Explained

Myopia, Hyperopia and Astigmatism Explained

The names of eye conditions can sometimes be confusing, not to mention completely baffling when it comes to understanding what each condition means. Your eye doctor may have diagnosed you with one, but what does it mean? When it comes to nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, most people aren’t quite sure of the differences. If you’re […]

Best Eye Vitamins for Nearsightedness

Best Eye Vitamins for Nearsightedness

Nearsightedness is a common problem in our modern world. The normal treatments for this condition, such as eyeglasses, contact lenses, and corrective surgery, have been successful at helping millions of patients overcome their vision problems. But, not without risk. So, what other options are there out there? Are there any nearsightedness eye vitamins you can […]

4 Ways to Protect and Improve Your Child’s Eyesight

4 Ways to Protect and Improve Your Child’s Eyesight

It’s probably not controversial to call early childhood an important, formative period. After all, it’s where we develop the basis of our personalities and habits, our likes and our dislikes. It’s also an important period where we lay the foundation of good or poor health. That’s why it’s so important to pay attention to the […]

The Difference Between Farsightedness and Nearsightedness

The Difference Between Farsightedness and Nearsightedness

If you’re new to the world of vision troubles and have just been diagnosed as being either farsighted or nearsighted, you’ve probably got some questions about what your diagnosis means. First of all, what’s the difference between the two conditions? It can be difficult to know what questions to ask your eye doctor when you […]

Slowing the Progression of Myopia in Children

Slowing the Progression of Myopia in Children Image

Myopia (also known as nearsightedness) is a growing problem among children. The condition means you can see clearly up close, but distant objects appear blurry. The rate of myopia in children has grown with the increased use of electronic devices such as handheld video games, laptop computers, electronic pads, and tablets, among other things. These […]

Eye Exercises for Nearsightedness

Eye Exercises for Nearsightedness

Nearsightedness or myopia is a condition that many people will experience during their lifetime. The inability to focus on objects far away is sometimes a result of the natural aging process of your body which weakens your eye muscles. But it can also be spurred by excessive screen time and not exercising your eye muscles […]

About the Author

Avatar for Tyler Sorensen

Tyler Sorensen is the President and CEO of Rebuild Your Vision. Formerly, Tyler studied Aeronautics (just like his brother) with the dream of becoming an airline pilot, however, after 9/11 his career path changed. After graduating top of his class with a Bachelor of Science in Informational Technologies and Administrative Management, he joined Rebuild Your Vision in 2002. With the guidance of many eye care professionals, including Behavioral Optometrists, Optometrists (O.D.), and Ophthalmologists (Eye M.D.), Tyler has spent nearly two decades studying the inner workings of the eye and conducting research.


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