
All About Glutathione

All About Glutathione

Ah, another free radical fighting antioxidant that is difficult to pronounce! Glutathione is an important antioxidant commonly found in animals, plants, fungi and several types of bacteria. This powerhouse nutrient is the queen and king of all antioxidants. With its amazing healing powers like supporting metabolic detoxification, reducing oxidative stress, and maximizing immune system functions, […]

Do You Know Your Family’s Eye Health History?

Do You Know Your Family's Eye Health History?

Most people recognize the importance of knowing their family medical history. We know that if there is a history of cancer or diabetes in our family, there are certain tests we should get more often. But, do you know that you should also be aware of your family’s eye health history? There are some eye […]

Summer Eating: Seasonal Foods that Boost Vision

Summer Eating: Seasonal Foods that Boost Vision

Summer is here! It’s time to enjoy long, hot, sunny days, hanging out in the backyard or park, and of course, barbecues! Summertime cuisine is always something to look forward to: hamburgers, every kind of salad imaginable, ice cream, crazy colorful and tasty fruits and veggies. While some of it isn’t necessarily the healthiest, you […]

Regular Cardio Can Strengthen Eyes and Vision

Regular Cardio Can Strengthen Eyes and Vision Image

When some people hear the word ‘exercise,’ they cringe. After all, who willingly wants to put themselves through a difficult physical activity in the midst of an already busy day? Others have that reaction because they know that it’s something they need to do, but they don’t for one reason or another. So, they feel […]

The Many Ways Aging Can Impact Eyesight

Just as our bodies age, so do our eyes. The aging process impacts every single part of us, and unfortunately, our eyes are not immune to it. Our eyesight can worsen over time due to little other than the aging process. Year after year, we may need a stronger prescription and new glasses. As the […]

Can LASIK Eye Surgery Cure Glaucoma?

Can LASIK Eye Surgery Cure Glaucoma?

There’s a reason glaucoma has the reputation of being the “sneak thief of sight,” as the loss of vision typically occurs over a long period. And, it’s often only detected when the disease has already become quite advanced. People suffering from glaucoma, unfortunately, don’t have many options, so they may resort to laser eye surgery, […]

Staying Ahead of Vision Changes as You Age

Staying Ahead of Vision Changes as You Age

We all know that our bodies are bound to change as we age. Systems slow down, injuries occur, and we just aren’t the same person as we were in our 20s, for better or worse! Vision changes are a natural part of aging, but that doesn’t mean you have to succumb to age-related eye health […]

Aging Vision Rate Rapidly Increasing in the U.S.

Aging Vision Rate Rapidly Increasing in the U.S.

It’s no secret that Americans are living longer. That’s great news, right? Modern medicine is certainly helping us live happier and healthier lives. With an aging population, though, comes some more concerning statistics. Age-related eye diseases, such as cataracts, macular degeneration, and glaucoma, are becoming more prevalent each year. The number of people affected by […]

Men’s Unique Vision Issues

Men's Unique Vision Issues

Are there specific problems when it comes to men’s vision just based on their sex? The truth is that there are. General fluctuations and changes in the male body chemistry affect eyesight at different stages of life. In fact, vision problems will occur due to a variety of reasons. In some cases, insufficient or increased […]

About the Author

Avatar for Tyler Sorensen

Tyler Sorensen is the President and CEO of Rebuild Your Vision. Formerly, Tyler studied Aeronautics (just like his brother) with the dream of becoming an airline pilot, however, after 9/11 his career path changed. After graduating top of his class with a Bachelor of Science in Informational Technologies and Administrative Management, he joined Rebuild Your Vision in 2002. With the guidance of many eye care professionals, including Behavioral Optometrists, Optometrists (O.D.), and Ophthalmologists (Eye M.D.), Tyler has spent nearly two decades studying the inner workings of the eye and conducting research.


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