eye floaters

How to Get Rid of Eye Floaters Naturally

How to Get Rid of Eye Floaters Naturally

You’re staring at a blank wall when you notice small moving figures. They seem to squirm and squiggle across the wall. What is going on? These weird shapes and squiggles are often called “floaters.” They can be especially alarming if you’ve never noticed them before. However, it’s perfectly normal to see some floaters when you […]

How Much Does LASIK Eye Surgery Cost?

How Much Does LASIK Eye Surgery Cost?

LASIK surgery is often touted as a quick and easy way to say goodbye to wearing corrective lenses forever. You may even have a few friends who swear by LASIK. Perhaps they’re pushing you to hop aboard the LASIK train too. If so, you probably learned that there is no absolute answer to the question, […]

Staying Ahead of Vision Changes as You Age

Staying Ahead of Vision Changes as You Age

We all know that our bodies are bound to change as we age. Systems slow down, injuries occur, and we just aren’t the same person as we were in our 20s, for better or worse! Vision changes are a natural part of aging, but that doesn’t mean you have to succumb to age-related eye health […]

Signs of Eye Problems in Adults

Signs of Eye Problems in Adults

Normally, eye problems are easy to spot in adults because adults are very vocal about their vision, unlike children and infants. As we age, it’s no secret that our vision changes, and adults are able to easily notice these changes as their quality of life decreases. However, some eye issues could be brushed off by […]

5 Normal Vision Changes to Watch Out for as We Age

Normal Vision Changes to Watch out for as We Age Image

Our bodies are constantly changing in every stage of life. From birth to old age, there’s no stopping. Your high school health course may have taught you that your body stops changing after puberty, but it’s simply not true! So what are some normal vision changes to look out for? When we talk about our […]

7 Ways Excessive Drinking Can Cause Vision Problems

Excessive Drinking Can Cause Severe Vision Problems Image

We’re all for having a glass of wine after a long day at the office or popping open a bottle of champagne on special occasions, but excessive drinking has been proven to lead to severe vision problems. It’s no secret that excessive alcohol consumption can lead to a number of health risks, including liver damage, […]

About the Author

Avatar for Tyler Sorensen

Tyler Sorensen is the President and CEO of Rebuild Your Vision. Formerly, Tyler studied Aeronautics (just like his brother) with the dream of becoming an airline pilot, however, after 9/11 his career path changed. After graduating top of his class with a Bachelor of Science in Informational Technologies and Administrative Management, he joined Rebuild Your Vision in 2002. With the guidance of many eye care professionals, including Behavioral Optometrists, Optometrists (O.D.), and Ophthalmologists (Eye M.D.), Tyler has spent nearly two decades studying the inner workings of the eye and conducting research.


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