
How Diet and Exercise Can Preserve Your Eyes in Old Age

How Diet and Exercise Can Preserve Your Eyes in Old Age

It’s no secret that aging isn’t exactly a desirable process. Ask almost anyone, and they would like to turn back the clock just a little bit.  The truth is, no matter how many skin creams or hair growth supplements we use, age will eventually catch up. The only difference is your wallet may be a […]

Are You at Risk of the 3 Most Common Aging Vision Problems?

Are You at Risk of the 3 Most Common Aging Vision Problems?

As we get older, our bodies start to change. Of course, this includes our vision, and deteriorating eyesight can significantly impact how we enjoy our favorite activities. So, how can we mitigate the risk of most common aging problems? Some people feel embarrassed when they need to upgrade their glasses due to declining vision. They […]

Watch Your Weight for Healthy Eyes

Watch Your Weight for Healthy Eyes

It’s a long-known problem: obesity has reached epidemic rates. Despite recent programs and educational initiatives, obesity remains stubbornly sky-high. According to the CDC, over a third of American adults are currently classified as obese. But how does your weight affect your eyes? Not only is it widespread, but obesity also has devastating health effects. Heart […]

All About Glutathione

All About Glutathione

Ah, another free radical fighting antioxidant that is difficult to pronounce! Glutathione is an important antioxidant commonly found in animals, plants, fungi and several types of bacteria. This powerhouse nutrient is the queen and king of all antioxidants. With its amazing healing powers like supporting metabolic detoxification, reducing oxidative stress, and maximizing immune system functions, […]

Regular Cardio Can Strengthen Eyes and Vision

Regular Cardio Can Strengthen Eyes and Vision Image

When some people hear the word ‘exercise,’ they cringe. After all, who willingly wants to put themselves through a difficult physical activity in the midst of an already busy day? Others have that reaction because they know that it’s something they need to do, but they don’t for one reason or another. So, they feel […]

A Simple Way of Understanding How Vision Works

Our Complicated Eyes: A Simple Way of Understanding How Vision Works

Have you ever stopped to wonder how vision works? We talk so much about eyesight and seeing well. But, we talk less about the intricate functions inside the eye. Many people never stop to think about the actual process involved in sight. They take it for granted that their eyes are doing what they are […]

What You Need to Know About Vision Loss in Seniors

Vision Loss in Seniors Image

New figures from the U.S. Census show that by 2030 – when the first baby boomers reach 84 – all baby boomers will be over the age of 65. That means more than 20 percent of the population will be over 65, compared to only 13 percent today. If you’re not yet quite at senior […]

Can the Occasional Drink Make Your Eyes Stronger?

Can the Occasional Drink Make Your Eyes Stronger?

We’re always looking for new ways to boost our eye health and watching out for lifestyle habits that can impact our vision. And when a new study emerges that proves one of our “bad habits” is actually good for us, then that’s cause for celebration! By now, most of us have heard that the occasional […]

Is There a Connection Between Cholesterol and Cataracts?

Is There a Connection Between Cholesterol and Cataracts?

High cholesterol is one health issue most people have some sort of connection to. With dietary patterns being what they are these days, many people will suffer from elevated cholesterol levels in their lifetime.  High cholesterol levels can contribute to the development of atherosclerosis (the hardening and narrowing of the arteries). This makes a person […]

What Is 20/20 Vision?

What Is 20/20 Vision Image

You’ve probably often heard the phrase “hindsight is 20/20.” While you may know that’s a reference to having good eyesight, what does it actually mean to have 20/20 vision? Is it actually a good measure of eye health, or is it just an archaic saying of the past? In truth, 20/20 is a measure of […]

About the Author

Avatar for Tyler Sorensen

Tyler Sorensen is the President and CEO of Rebuild Your Vision. Formerly, Tyler studied Aeronautics (just like his brother) with the dream of becoming an airline pilot, however, after 9/11 his career path changed. After graduating top of his class with a Bachelor of Science in Informational Technologies and Administrative Management, he joined Rebuild Your Vision in 2002. With the guidance of many eye care professionals, including Behavioral Optometrists, Optometrists (O.D.), and Ophthalmologists (Eye M.D.), Tyler has spent nearly two decades studying the inner workings of the eye and conducting research.


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