dry eyes

Does Astigmatism Have an Impact on Driving Performance?

Man driving at night with focused look on face.

If you’ve ever been to the eye doctor (which we certainly hope you have!), you’ve probably heard the word “astigmatism” thrown around at some point. And, this is for good reason, as astigmatism is one of the most common vision issues out there. A recent study conducted in Sichuan, China found that out of 21,415 […]

Is Watching TV in the Dark Bad for Your Eyes?

Television with streaming apps on screen in a dark room.

Somewhere in the recesses of your memory, you can probably picture your mom or grandma telling you that watching television in the dark is bad for your eyes. But when you go to a movie theater, you can’t help but notice how nice it is to have all the lights turned off so you can […]

How to Fix Blurry Vision Naturally

Blurry view of bridge with lights at night from point of view of someone with blurry vision.

Perhaps one of the most annoying and disconcerting vision issues a person can experience is blurry vision. Whether it stems from a short-term issue like digital eye strain or something more long-term like a refractive error, not being able to see clearly is frustrating. Of course, you could head to the doctor and get a […]

Developing a Daily Eye Routine to Maintain Healthy Vision

Developing a Daily Eye Routine Image

It’s often said that life’s greatest and most worthwhile journeys begin with a single step. The same is true for creating a healthy lifestyle. The big changes we want to see don’t usually happen by doing something drastic overnight. Instead, it’s the little, everyday rituals that help us achieve our goals. The same goes for […]

How Your Child’s Smartphone Could Be Harming Their Eyes

It isn’t uncommon to see kids with smartphones these days. Why shouldn’t they have them? They can be exceptional learning tools, help your children keep in contact with friends and family, be used for emergencies, and can capture some truly great moments. But how does a smartphone affect the eyes of your child? For all […]

Vitamins and Nutrients to Fight Dry Eyes

Vitamins and Nutrients to Fight Dry Eyes

As the weather gets dryer, it’s no secret that our eyes do too. Plus, our risk of suffering from dry eyes increases as we age. No one likes to feel dryness in their eyes on a daily basis, but unfortunately, that’s the reality for many adults. And, carting around eye drops isn’t always convenient, either. […]

7 Daily Habits That Are Ruining Your Eyesight

7 Daily Habits That Are Ruining Your Eyesight

Sight might be considered our most-used sense. If you don’t believe us, try to think of the steps in your daily routine that don’t include sight. Pretty difficult, right? Clearly, vision is essential to our everyday lives. However, it’s also a sense we often forget needs sharpening. Beyond doing things to actively improve your vision, […]

Are Your Eyes Getting Enough Sleep?

Are Your Eyes Getting Enough Sleep?

Most people know the feeling. You stayed up too late last night, once again. Maybe it was because your Netflix binge was getting too good, or you just couldn’t put your book down. Or, maybe your kids or pet had a tough night. Either way, you stumble into the office, toss back the strongest coffee […]

4 Must-Have Natural Home Remedies

4 Must-Have Natural Home Remedies

If you’ve ever experienced a minor health issue in the middle of the night, you’ve probably scoured your house for natural home remedies that can ease your discomfort quickly. After all, no one wants to seek medical attention unnecessarily! But what about our eyes? What home remedies can we keep on hand to avoid annoying […]

Computer Vision Syndrome: You’re Not Alone

Computer Vision Syndrome: You are not alone

In a world increasingly dependent on computers and technology, nearly everyone is putting serious strain on their eyes. Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is a problem involving your eyes and vision that occurs when you spend too much time on the computer. Going by this definition, nearly everyone in the world suffers from CVS. If you […]

About the Author

Avatar for Tyler Sorensen

Tyler Sorensen is the President and CEO of Rebuild Your Vision. Formerly, Tyler studied Aeronautics (just like his brother) with the dream of becoming an airline pilot, however, after 9/11 his career path changed. After graduating top of his class with a Bachelor of Science in Informational Technologies and Administrative Management, he joined Rebuild Your Vision in 2002. With the guidance of many eye care professionals, including Behavioral Optometrists, Optometrists (O.D.), and Ophthalmologists (Eye M.D.), Tyler has spent nearly two decades studying the inner workings of the eye and conducting research.


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