
5 Ways to Prevent Cloudy Vision from Cataracts

5 Ways to Prevent Cloudy Vision from Cataracts

Did you know that by the age of 80, half of Americans will have cataracts? As our population ages, the number of people with cataracts grows with every passing year. It is estimated that currently, there are 25 million Americans who have cataracts. We’re always told that cataracts will cause cloudy vision and will inhibit our […]

Tips to Prevent Vision Loss in Men

Tips to Prevent Vision Loss in Men

Men, we’ve got some good news for you!  Men are less at risk of developing vision-impairing diseases than women. According to numerous stats and studies, women tend to lose their vision more often and earlier than men. Doctors believe the reason for this is because of the hormone changes in women due to various factors […]

Daily Vitamin May Reduce Cataract Risk in Men

Daily Vitamin May Reduce Cataract Risk in Men

It’s well-known that eyesight tends to deteriorate with age. Of course, cataracts are a major contributing factor. It’s estimated that 68 percent of people over the age of 79 have some degree of cataract formation in their eyes. Cataract risk in men and women also increases with diabetes. While women experience cataracts more frequently than […]

Is Cataract Surgery the Right Choice?

Is Cataract Surgery the Right Choice?

Do you have cataracts? Are you sick and tired of diminishing vision because of your cataracts? If you said yes to either of these questions, then you must be one of the many people who are contemplating cataract surgery. But like any surgery, you might find yourself asking whether it’s the right choice for you. […]

New Hope for Elderly People with Eye Diseases

New Hope for Elderly People with Eye Diseases

We can lie all we want about our ages and buy all the anti-wrinkle creams in the world, but the truth remains: we all age. Every living creature since the beginning of time has aged. It’s just the process of life. And that includes our eyes. What are the most common eye diseases we need […]

Are You at Risk of the 3 Most Common Aging Vision Problems?

Are You at Risk of the 3 Most Common Aging Vision Problems?

As we get older, our bodies start to change. Of course, this includes our vision, and deteriorating eyesight can significantly impact how we enjoy our favorite activities. So, how can we mitigate the risk of most common aging problems? Some people feel embarrassed when they need to upgrade their glasses due to declining vision. They […]

Watch Your Weight for Healthy Eyes

Watch Your Weight for Healthy Eyes

It’s a long-known problem: obesity has reached epidemic rates. Despite recent programs and educational initiatives, obesity remains stubbornly sky-high. According to the CDC, over a third of American adults are currently classified as obese. But how does your weight affect your eyes? Not only is it widespread, but obesity also has devastating health effects. Heart […]

Foods to Avoid in the Hunt for Healthier Eyes

Foods to Avoid in the Hunt for Healthier Eyes

If you’re a consistent reader of Rebuild Your Vision, you know some key facts about what foods help keep your eyes healthy. Green, leafy vegetables can help protect your eyes from excess UV light, omega-3 acids help stimulate tear production, and so on. Unfortunately, that particular knife cuts both ways. A healthy diet can do […]

Aging Eyes: Vision Changes to Watch Out for as You Grow Older

Aging Eyes: Vision Changes to Watch out for as You Grow Older

Deny it all you like, but we’re all getting older. While you may be able to convince casual acquaintances and dating websites that you are eternally 29, you won’t be able to fool your eyes. While you’ll undoubtedly have friends who can maintain their 20/20 vision well beyond regular years (or claim that they can), […]

Best Eye Vitamins for Cataracts

5 Vitamins a Day to Keep Macular Degeneration at Bay

About one in six Americans 40 years or older have already started developing cataracts in one or both eyes. By the time they hit 75 years old, that number jumps to about 50 percent. Over half of all seniors in Western countries have had some type of experience with cataracts. Whether they currently have cataracts […]

About the Author

Avatar for Tyler Sorensen

Tyler Sorensen is the President and CEO of Rebuild Your Vision. Formerly, Tyler studied Aeronautics (just like his brother) with the dream of becoming an airline pilot, however, after 9/11 his career path changed. After graduating top of his class with a Bachelor of Science in Informational Technologies and Administrative Management, he joined Rebuild Your Vision in 2002. With the guidance of many eye care professionals, including Behavioral Optometrists, Optometrists (O.D.), and Ophthalmologists (Eye M.D.), Tyler has spent nearly two decades studying the inner workings of the eye and conducting research.


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