
How Vision Clinics Help the Aging Vision Population

How Vision Clinics Help the Aging Vision Population

By now, you should know how important it is to visit the eye doctor more frequently as you get older. As we age, our risk for vision problems increases. Just look at the array of eye conditions that affect individuals 40 and up, and many more popping up for those 60 and older. Conditions like […]

Vitamins and Nutrients to Fight Dry Eyes

Vitamins and Nutrients to Fight Dry Eyes

As the weather gets dryer, it’s no secret that our eyes do too. Plus, our risk of suffering from dry eyes increases as we age. No one likes to feel dryness in their eyes on a daily basis, but unfortunately, that’s the reality for many adults. And, carting around eye drops isn’t always convenient, either. […]

3 Vegetables to Help Your Eyesight

Vegetables to Help Your Eyesight Image

Food is our first defense against nearly any ailment. That’s especially true for your vision. Whether you get your necessary eye nutrients from supplements like our Rebuild Your Vision Ocu-Plus Formula or not, you should definitely incorporate these three vegetables into your weekly menus in order to promote good vision for years to come. Eating […]

All About Rutin

All About Rutin

Now it’s time to talk about a bioflavonoid that’s always rooting for you and your health: rutin. Rutin is a plant-based bioflavonoid found in a number of citrus fruits. It’s amazing for you, and relatively easy to incorporate into your diet. We talk a lot about elements and chemical compounds that are good for our […]

All About Selenium

All About Selenium Image

Selenium is one element in our Ocu-Plus Formula that maybe you haven’t heard of. If that’s the case, you should know that selenium is a trace mineral that is absolutely essential to the body. I know, we’ve said that about every trace mineral and ingredient for our Ocu-Plus Formula, but it is simply the truth. […]

All About Vitamin A

All About Vitamin A Image

There’s a very good reason as to why we refer to vitamin A as “Vitamin Eye.” Simply put, this vitamin is the superhero of the eye health world. Vitamin A can help your vision in a number of ways, but it is also widely thought to help boost your immune system and help with cell […]

All About Vitamin E

Vitamins are one of the more common things we talk about here at Rebuild Your Vision. After all, chances are that you’ve heard about the wonderful immune-boosting properties of vitamin C or the mood-boosting benefits of vitamin D. But what about vitamin E? All vitamins are important, but vitamin E should be at the top […]

All About Quercetin

All About Quercetin

A new age has dawned on the world of food. More and more, will you find chefs on TV and in magazines explaining what foods will give you the most nutrition, and it’s fantastic! Influential chefs are taking their knowledge of food and sharing it with the world to help us eat better and live […]

All About Bilberries and Bioflavonoids

All About Bilberries and Bioflavonoids

Bilberries and Bioflavonoids are two of our 17 rockstar ingredients Ocu-Plus Formula. They come as a package and are packed with nutrients that will support healthy vision in all sorts of ways. So, what exactly are these ingredients? Well, to be more specific, bioflavonoids are antioxidants found in bilberries, making these fruits some of the […]

All About Lutein and Zeaxanthin

Lutein and Zeaxanthin Image

Lutein and zeaxanthin are the power couple of the eye nutrient world. Here at Rebuild Your Vision, we talk about these nutrients fairly often. They are essential to maintain your vision and prevent certain diseases like cataracts and macular degeneration. Because these nutrients are already found in the retina of the eye, keeping the levels […]

About the Author

Avatar for Tyler Sorensen

Tyler Sorensen is the President and CEO of Rebuild Your Vision. Formerly, Tyler studied Aeronautics (just like his brother) with the dream of becoming an airline pilot, however, after 9/11 his career path changed. After graduating top of his class with a Bachelor of Science in Informational Technologies and Administrative Management, he joined Rebuild Your Vision in 2002. With the guidance of many eye care professionals, including Behavioral Optometrists, Optometrists (O.D.), and Ophthalmologists (Eye M.D.), Tyler has spent nearly two decades studying the inner workings of the eye and conducting research.


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