LASIK Eye Surgery: Risks and Benefits
Do you suffer from poor vision? Tired of always having to wear your glasses? What about those times you sit down at a restaurant only to realize you forgot your glasses at home? It’s situations like these that make many people consider LASIK eye surgery. However, most of us don’t know about all the risks of this surgery or even the criteria for success. Not every person is a good candidate for LASIK eye surgery. For some, the risks are much higher than the benefits.
What Is LASIK Surgery For?
LASIK surgery is most often used to correct hyperopia, myopia, and astigmatism. These conditions usually result in the patient choosing to wear glasses or prescription lenses. Then, they might choose to get surgery to avoid the inconvenience of visual aids. But is surgery the only option to reverse these conditions? Luckily, no. These conditions have been successfully treated using less invasive treatments than surgery.
Before jumping into the surgery, there are a few things that you should discuss with your doctor. Many LASIK patients have reported that they were not fully informed of the possible problems resulting from the surgery.
LASIK surgery should be performed by an ophthalmologist, a medical doctor who has received training in eye surgery using a laser.
What Will Actually Happen During the Surgery?
Patients aren’t usually under anesthesia during the LASIK eye surgery process. They’re given local anesthetic eye drops to numb the eyes. Patients don’t feel any pain during the surgery. If you have severe anxiety beforehand, the doctor may give you a mild sedative to help you feel calm. The laser equipment needs a cooler temperature to operate optimally. So, patients are recommended to wear warmer clothing during the surgery for comfort.
Now for the cringey details. The doctor will make a cut in your eye so that they can pull back a flap. This flap is pulled back to allow the laser to reach the corneal stroma and make the necessary corrections. When the surgery is complete, the flap is replaced with care to ensure that no dirt or air is trapped beneath it. The eye is then allowed to heal naturally.
The benefits of the surgery are said to include never having to wear glasses again. Only you can decide if that is enough of a benefit to allow someone to cut into your eye. Read the fine print carefully before you agree to surgery. What is considered to be an effective treatment doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll be able to toss out the glasses.
The Most Common Risks of LASIK Eye Surgery
Several studies have been done on the incidence of dry eye after undergoing LASIK surgery. The American Journal of Ophthalmology reported a 10-40 percent chance of dry eye after the six-month healing process was complete. As you can see, it is difficult to set a definitive number, but the fact remains that the chance of developing dry eye after the surgery is real.
If left untreated, dry eye can result in less than optimum results from the surgery. It is important to know that in some cases dry eye cannot be treated or does not respond to treatment and can result in permanent chronic pain or impaired vision.
Diffuse Lamellar Keratitis (DLK), also referred to as “Sands of the Sahara”, has also been recorded after LASIK surgery. The nickname comes from the feeling of having sand in your eyes – all the time! DLK results when dead cells lodge under the corneal flap. The eye treats this as a foreign particle and tries to flush it out. Sadly, this can result in permanent vision loss or scarring of the eye if not treated immediately.
Other Reported Complications Resulting from LASIK Surgery
- Corneal Ectasia (bulging of the cornea)
- Increased sensitivity to light
- Vitamin D deficiency caused by sun sensitivity
- Over- or under-correction
- Fluctuating visual acuity (changes in clarity)
- Seeing double or ghost images
- Seeing halos around lights at night
- Debris under the eye flap
- Developing astigmatism
- Small break or hole in the macula
- Posterior vitreous detachment (when the vitreous membrane separates from the retina)
- Thin or buttonhole flap (caused when an incomplete flap is created during surgery)
- Eye floaters
Making the Right Choice for You
As we said earlier, LASIK may be the right choice for some people. This is a decision that you will have to make for yourself. We are just trying to make sure that you know the risks involved. Most invasive procedures prove to have more complications than non-invasive treatments.
Look at LASIK surgery the same way that you would look at a new drug your doctor wants you to take. You would want to ask your doctor about all the possible side effects. You’d want to know how often people who have used the drug have experienced problems with it. You would ask about possible dangers associated with the drug and about how it would react with other drugs you were taking.
Before you have LASIK surgery you should ask all these questions about the procedure and side effects from it as well. Only you can decide what risks you are willing to take. However, before you can make that decision you have to know what the actual risks involved are. Don’t be afraid to ask. It’s your eyes you’re talking about. You have the right to know what could result from the surgery.
Our Advice Considering LASIK Eye Surgery Risks
The FDA website on LASIK surgery has some great advice: “Before undergoing a refractive procedure, you should carefully weigh the risks and benefits based on your own personal value system, and try to avoid being influenced by friends that have had the procedure or doctors encouraging you to do so.”
Also, you should know there are natural, non-invasive treatments for many eye conditions. You don’t have to go under the knife. Consider meeting with a behavioral optometrist to learn about your holistic options. This could not only save you a lot of discomfort later on, but it could also save you time and money. And, ensure you’re getting enough nutrients to support eye health. By exploring less invasive options first, you could be protecting your vision for life.
Our Rebuild Your Vision Ocu-Plus Formula Contains All 17 Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbal Supplements to Improve Your Eye Health!
Hello sir,
I am from India and I want to join Merchant Navy. I am 19 years old but I have myopia(-0.75,-1.00)
My number I less but I need 6/6 vision to achieve my goal. What should I do. Should I go on with LASIK?
My mom has been having a lot of sight issues over the past few years and she is thinking of getting lasik surgery so I am glad that I found this article. It is interesting that you say to ask your doctor about possible side effects first and see if there will be any risks involved because you don’t want to make a decision until you have all of the facts. The huge benefit for my mom will be not having to wear glasses again because she does not like wearing them because they bother her face.
Is there are any long-term risks of LASIK?
Thanks for pointing out that you should make sure to talk about all of the aspects of the procedure and the side effects that could happen to you. My eyesight has never been very good, and I want to stop having to wear glasses. I’ll need to find a doctor to go to and get Lasik from.
Is it common for debris to be in your eye after lasik surgery?
my eye no is -2.0 on bth the eyes can u suggest me some tips to re build our vision naturally thank u
With the development of technology, more people are choosing LASIK Surgery to deal with their myopia. I reckon it is actually not a good trend as people would care less about their eyes use because they think the myopia can be cure by LASIK Surgery anyway. Especially for kids and teenagers, i think it is still better for them to prevent the problem from the very beginning rather than controlling or treating the myopia afterward. Even the technology is already very advanced, there still risk there. The side effects after the surgery may follow the patient throughout his or her whole life.
Sir, I am a 15 year old boy and suffering from the problem of myopia.I wear glasses(4.0 d) and it really hurts me.Can you let me know whether i will be able to see without glasses or not after using your product???.If yes then how can i order it??Plz sir plz help me
Hi Tyler, I had LASIK and have every side effect you can imagine. Can you help me?
I became myopic during childhood, and over the decades my vision got worse. When it got to the point that no one made contact lenses the strength I required, and my special glass lenses had to be so precise that they were made in Germany by a telescope company, I considered LASIK. What a godsend. My eyes could not be completely perfect, but one eye 20/20 and the other 20/60. It has been four years, and I am still quite happy with my vision. I am, however, now paying attention to nutrition in order to maintain the fabulous gift of good vision!
Thanks Tyler for sending me mails on the topic “Rebuild your vision”. Thanks a lot…
Divas Ghanaksh
hi Tyler, i have lots of queries , iam having myopia -6 in rt eye, -6.25 in lt eye and some times i feel dry in my eyes and i went yearly check up to eye doctor and he told me that i have glaucoma, i feel so depressed,as i am 31 and in my family no body having glaucoma but i didn’t find any symptoms especially in my rt eye if i keenly notice a very tiny round one moving according to my eye ball movement, but i feel so wexed, soo plz can u tell me any solution..
Hi Sai,
To learn more about Glaucoma and how it can be prevented, please read the following post:
To your vision — for life,
Hi Tyler,
Thanks for this website.
I have undergone the laser surgery way back in 2005 and have had good vision for about 6 years or so however recently i have developed regression but i do not wish to go for lasik once more though i feel it would not be that much of a harm.
I would like to tell one thing is that people have to have patience if they do not wish to go for lasik, and those who believe lasik is harmful should research first thoroughly before going thru the same.
hi,sir.I’m 17 yrs.old and have -5 in left n -4 in right one.Can I hope to ever be able to bring it to 0 in both eyes….I’ve astigmatism as well.-1.75 in left and -1.5 in right eye…please respond soon.
hi Tyler, ,i am very keen to improve my vision and found ur site as a ray of hope. i hv some queries as my case is a little diffrent, i had undergone lasik surgery 4 years ago.i was suffering from myopia -2 in left eye and -4 for right, but even after lasik now i again hv to wear glasses with -2 for left eye and 1 for right .is it myopia in one eye and hypermetropia in other.can you help me to restore my vision.
have you taken some info from the Bates method ?
kind regards
Hi Iacopo,
Although Dr. Bates is credited for pioneering the subject of natural vision improvement and paving the way for its progression, it has been nearly 80 years since his work.
The subject has been greatly refined and advanced.
To your vision — for life,
thanxx for ur advise Tyler .I will definitely try your tips to my full dedication..
Sir,my doctor said am having ambylopia or lazy eye and am 19years old.it is told that for the weaker eye to improve,it should be detected between the age of 7-12.so Sir,do you reckon eye exercises can give me significant improvement ?(using my weak eye,i cant read small letters even with glasses)……
Thanks Tyler,
I think your website is a ray of hope anyone who is suffering eye problem… definitely, its a procedure most safe if it works… I hope that opticians will accept the reality soon… as its not fair with people who wore glasses that they are not told any other solution….
I’m working on these, hope for good
Has anyone ever heard of ORTHO-C? (not ortho-K).
or i should opt natural thearpyyyy
my number of both eyes are very large nearlly about -8.25 .. can i do laser operatoin of my eyes i’m am 18 years old……
Hey Tyler.
Lasik has ruined a lot of lives. I wanted to share with you this petition. It is fro the FDA to stop Lasik eye surgery from being performed until all the risks are further understood. At the bottom you can read statements of people whose lives were ruined due to lasik and suffer dry eyes and partial blindness. I hope you read this and comsider signing the petition. It takes no longer than a minute and you will help a good cause. Thank you. Heres the link
My experience getting assessed for Lasik:
I went through a lot of very careful measurement tests and questionnaires. I am near-sighted and can read and see perfectly close-up. But I was told I would LOOSE that ability after surgery and would need glasses to read! (Now THAT’s something not advertised!)
Finally, after about 45 minutes of interviewing and measuring, I had to pass the Final test which is where they test you for TOUCH sensitivity. It turns out that NOTHING can get near my eyeballs without a strong involuntary (and Quick!) reaction to snap my eyelids shut – followed by involuntary tears!
So, based on that, I was immediately rejected. It turns out you need to be able to hold your eyes wide open for 8-10 minutes while they mess with your eyeballs. Now, most women it turns out have no problem because of years applying eye makeup. And I guess folks who already use contacts would also have no problem touching their eyeballs. I creeps me out and I get tears just thinking about poking my eyeballs.
You would think that the Lasik people would do the eyeball-touch test FIRST, or even asked WAY beforehand instead of wasting my time.
Or, am I a rare case?
-Just thought you all would like to know what to expect.
I would not submit to LASIK surgery even if it were offered to me for free!
My UDVA is 20/100, but I have never worn glasses. I have managed without any visual correction for years, after rejecting the suggestion when I failed an eye test at school at the age of 12. (I am now 45.) Even at that young age, and with no alternative influence, I had the wisdom not to get hooked on glasses as I knew that my vision would only get worse. I had seen that happen to my elder brother. No-one’s vision has ever improved from wearing glasses. (Of course, the optical establishment/industry deny that wearing glasses exacerbates poor vision!)
Although I have known about natural vision therapy for years, my problem is that I have never managed to make the proper commitment necessary to rendering it a success. I do, however, maintain the right visual habits which have been instrumental in arresting further deterioration. So at least I’m floating even if I’m not swimming!
I wish everyone success in their endeavours to improve their vision NATURALLY.
LASIK is useless because we have a chance of getting other eye disorders later on in life.
The doctor was recommending his patients to get LASIK and when they asked about side effects:
– He spoke about the immediate vision improvement aka magic pill
And there’s no guarantee from cataract.
Once I got that, I realized considering LASIK was useless. We are more likely to have cataract later on if we do Lasik.
I had a lasik surgery only in my right eye and got many problems, is it possible treat my other eye with this ? only one eye ?
that will cause any problems to the other ?
Fred Gehring
From Brazil
I injured one of my eyes and found using
eye glasses was a poor cure for me as I
worked in the forest. It was actually hopeless
trying to work for a number of reasons.
The main one beaning distorted preception.
I was concerned about dry eyes, glair and
light sensitivity Lasik might create.
Well a few years on I can tell you I
have all those problems.
Lasik is not a cure.
In lasik surgery, the laser beam is applied in a II on the layer of cornea. I believe that in a 200-250 micron gape. There will be a chance of corneal abrasion. Another thing is that a tear field flows can be changed and it reflects a poor vision sometimes during surgery.
The benefits are good but rather scared with the risks involved in this surgery. Thanks for providing this information.
I find it difficult to understand how people are so prepared to risk their precious vision with a surgery that has, by statistics been shown to have so many after effects of a detrimental nature including vision deterioration. Many people even have to resort to further operations to repair problems caused by the initial surgery. Possibly the answer here lies in the knowledge and ability of the surgeon in question, but nevertheless the best recommendation is to check out in depth the previous performance of your Lasik surgeon, ask for testimonials from other patients. Don´t turn a blind eye to these details, you may end up that way!
My eye has some myopic vision problems (-2.5); willing to get treated by your natural way; but opted for LASIK; now, it’s o.k. but, again little blur on vision; can it be rectified by natural way!
Hi Remo,
We have had many customers use the Ocu-Plus Formula after lasik surgery when their vision starts to deteriorate after lasik. They use the vitamins located on at https://www.rebuildyourvision.com/eye-vitamins/ to maintain their perfect vision.
Hope this helps!