Why Your Vision Is Aging Faster Than It Should Be and How You Can Make Your Eyes Young Again

Why Your Vision Is Aging Faster Than It Should Be

Aging is something that becomes more and more apparent as the years go on. In your twenties, you may not notice the impact of time on your body as much, but by the time you hit your fifties or sixties, each year brings more and more unpleasant changes. Unfortunately, our eyes sometimes get hit by aging the hardest. This is because seldom do we think to take care of them when we’re young and carefree. This is increasingly true as we see more and more young eyes aging well before their time.

But what is it that causes this aging? The truth is that a lot of our daily activities and habits can contribute to rapid vision aging. No one wants to age quicker than they have to, and that’s especially true for eyes. After all, your quality of life will rapidly deteriorate as soon as you start to lose your vision. Your eyes may even change at different rates, which can be incredibly frustrating! Here are five tips and tricks on how to keep your eyes feeling young and fresh.

1. Put Down the Book Now and Then

Okay, this is a piece of advice you probably don’t hear often – or ever. And we’re not telling you to stop reading completely. However, you should be more aware of how and when you’re doing it. Reading is essential to our everyday lives, and this advice is by no means meant to discourage reading. But having your eyes glued to a book for hours at a time can cause some damage. When you read for too long or too late into the night, your eyes strain to focus on the words. This can lead to nearsightedness.

Why Your Vision Is Aging Faster Than It Should Be and How You Can Make Your Eyes Young Again

This is especially true for students, who are often holed up studying for hours. Again, don’t stop reading altogether; just try to take a break every 10 minutes or so to let your eyes readjust and relax. Take the time to focus on something about 10 feet away for 10 seconds. Following our 10-10-10 rule can help prevent eye strain. This will also save you from some serious study headaches.

Excessive continuous reading can lead to a higher risk of developing myopia later in life. Myopia is a condition that can lead to blindness. Don’t compromise your eyes; protecting them is as easy as looking away for 10 seconds.

2. Cut Down on Screen Time to Preserve Young Eyes

We’re all guilty of spending a little too much time looking at our screens, be it our smartphones, tablets, or computers. It doesn’t help that so much of our work is screen-based these days. Like reading, too much time staring at a screen can set off early presbyopia.

Presbyopia is an age-related vision condition that affects the eye’s ability to focus on objects close to the eye. This condition normally affects those over the age of 40, but recently there has been a spike in younger eyes being afflicted by symptoms like blurry vision and eye fatigue. That’s probably linked to the rise in screen time and technology over the past few years.

So, how can you prevent screens from damaging your eyes? Take a break! No one needs to be on their smartphone every minute of the day. If you have trouble pulling yourself away from your screen, try setting boundaries, like setting specific “no-screen” times. For example, during dinner or an hour before going to bed, turn off all screens and relax.

3. Eat the Right Foods

Eating well is such a big part of vision health. In fact, not eating right can be a huge factor that plays into how quickly your eyes age. Like any other part of our bodies, our eyes need specific nutrients to stay healthy and sharp.

Free radicals are especially harmful to the eyes. Free radicals are a group of atoms that cause damage when they come into contact with your cells. They can be especially damaging to your eye cells and can even cause vision loss. For example, free radicals may cause DNA cells to function poorly or, in some cases, die. However, you can prevent damage from free radicals by upping your antioxidant intake.

“Antioxidant” is a word most of us have probably heard before, especially in regard to berries. Berries are excellent sources of antioxidants and they taste delicious. Don’t skip out on them!

Other foods like carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes, and melon are excellent sources of essential eye nutrients. Have a look at our blog for more information on superfoods for your eyes.

4. Don’t Strain Your Eyes

Straining your eyes can happen in a number of ways. We’ve already covered in tips one and two that you should let your eyes relax when reading or computing for long periods of time. But a lot of us strain our eyes throughout a normal day without even knowing it. We’ve all heard that old wives’ tale that stress speeds up aging (especially when it comes to our skin and hair), but it may also be true in the case of our eyes.

Squinting, for example, causes great stress on our eyes. You may not feel the effects immediately, but as you squint more and more to see things in dim light or read small writing, you are tiring out your eyes and could be ruining your vision in the long run. Take steps to prevent this by reading with a reading light or reading small print with a magnifying glass.

The less stress you put on your eyes, the younger they’ll stay.

Don’t let your eyes fall victim to aging before their time. Aging will happen no matter what; it doesn’t need our help! These easy tips will help you be on your way to living with healthy vision for a long time to come.

We change our habits to be physically fit, have clearer skin, or have brighter teeth. Now it is time to start taking our eye health seriously, too. Strong eyes can go a long way. So while all your friends grow old and need glasses, you’ll be reading with eyes like a 20-year-old. Vision loss is responsible for rapidly deteriorating your quality of life as you age, so take steps to keep your eyes young today.

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  1. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen Ikhide godwin says:

    Gud aftrnn sir , hw do I correct glaucoma and myopia it’s trying to limit from work and life .what eye supplement actually works on eyes . Pls I need information on how to correct my eyesight .

  2. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen Becky says:

    I’ve thought this for a while my eyesight got much worse when I started wearing glasses. Could a professional comment on this?
    Thank you

  3. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen Dorian Dhanushi says:

    While working behind a computer monitor, let your eyes rest at least five minutes every hour.

    The simplest exercises for your eyes will take you a little time, but will be useful for your eyesight as much as rest in an expensive sanatorium. In breaks between work, do not forget to do them: help often, close your eyes and try to relax them for a few seconds, look at the window, translate several times a look from a nearby object to a distant one, make eyeballs rotational movements, etc.

    When moving, vibration forces the eyes to be in a constant tension, which later will certainly have a very unpleasant effect on health.

  4. Avatar for Tyler Sorensen Anonymous says:

    I’ve read that it’s good to use a prescription of glasses which is weaker than one really needs. Then, one’s eye muscles will get exercise. But this would seem to conflict with your advice not to strain one’s eyes. Could you clarify what is going on?

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About the Author

Avatar for Tyler Sorensen

Tyler Sorensen is the President and CEO of Rebuild Your Vision. Formerly, Tyler studied Aeronautics (just like his brother) with the dream of becoming an airline pilot, however, after 9/11 his career path changed. After graduating top of his class with a Bachelor of Science in Informational Technologies and Administrative Management, he joined Rebuild Your Vision in 2002. With the guidance of many eye care professionals, including Behavioral Optometrists, Optometrists (O.D.), and Ophthalmologists (Eye M.D.), Tyler has spent nearly two decades studying the inner workings of the eye and conducting research.


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