How Alcohol Affects Your Eyes
Let’s face it: drinking alcohol is fun sometimes. And, when done responsibly, the negative impacts should be minimal, right? For the most part, sure. In fact, some studies even show that an occasional glass of red wine is good for you due to its antioxidant content. However, it’s also true that alcohol can have some very real adverse effects on the human body. From liver damage to impaired decision-making, the substance can wreak havoc if not used in moderation. But, what about its impact on vision? What does alcohol do to your eyes?
If you’ve ever had one too many, you can probably confirm that alcohol impacts vision in the short term. But what about the long term? Can alcohol affect eyesight permanently? Keep reading to learn more about the correlation between alcohol use and vision issues.
Does Alcohol Affect Eyesight?
If you’re just a social drinker, you’re in luck. Consuming alcohol every once in a while will not have any real negative effects on your eyes. As with most good things in life, moderation is key. If you drink a little here and there, there may be some temporary effects such as dizziness and blurry vision, depending on how much alcohol you consume and how high your tolerance is. But, they will nearly always go away. This is especially true if you take care of your body after drinking alcohol. Hydration is key here – both before and after your night out. Making sure you get plenty of sleep afterward will help your body recover, too!
On the other hand, if you drink heavily or often, you are at a much higher risk for short-term changes in your vision as well as permanent damage. You are much more likely to experience blurry vision after drinking alcohol the more you drink. This is why stopping once you have reached your limit is so important.
Additionally, repeated episodes of heavy drinking can lead to some very serious eye conditions. As you may already be aware, drinking alcohol is very hard on the liver. What most people don’t know, though, is that the liver and the eyes are closely related. In fact, everything is related in the body, which is why paying attention to your holistic health is so important.
Effects of Heavy Drinking on Eyesight
If you experience liver damage due to excessive drinking, you may be setting yourself up for a whole host of vision problems. An inflamed liver often experiences liver blood deficiencies as well as liver heat, all of which have been connected to conditions like myopia, floaters, and blurry vision. Keeping your liver healthy is essential to warding off these issues as you age. A
Beyond the liver, drinking a lot of alcohol over a long period of time also damages the brain and impairs its ability to function. As you can probably imagine, your eyes are even more closely connected to your brain than they are to your liver. When you drink too much over the course of many years, you are at risk of developing permanently blurred vision or even double vision. This is because alcohol weakens your eye muscles over a period of time. Beyond just being annoying, this effect is also dangerous – it can also decrease your reaction time.
Drinking too much can also alter your peripheral vision, causing you to have tunnel vision. Your pupils will also react more slowly, so they will not be able to constrict or open up as well. This can make driving very difficult since you can’t react well to headlights. It can also reduce the ability to see colors. It will be difficult to distinguish between different shades of similar colors if your eyes have been damaged by alcohol. These unfortunate impairments in vision can also point toward much more severe problems.
Can Alcohol Make You Go Blind?
In short, the answer is yes, although not directly. Alcoholism has been connected to a variety of conditions that lead to blindness, such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and optic neuropathy.
The links between AMD and alcohol consumption aren’t yet 100% understood. However, we do know that alcohol is a neurotoxin, meaning that it causes brain damage via oxidative pathways. This could certainly impact the retina and lead to AMD. Additionally, increased oxidant stress associated with excess alcohol consumption causes tissue damage all over the body, including the eyes. Furthermore, many heavy drinkers also experience poor nutrition in the rest of their diets, so they often don’t consume enough eye-healthy vitamins or antioxidants. All of these lead to decreased vision, increased risk of AMD, and the potential for blindness.
Optic neuropathy, on the other hand, can cause loss of vision (which will most likely be painless), decreased peripheral vision, and problems seeing colors. It is also an ongoing condition that grows worse over time.
Other Impacts of Alcohol on the Eyes
Even if your drinking doesn’t lead to AMD or Optic Neuropathy, there are still other, more minor issues you should worry about. For one, migraines are also a result of drinking too much. These migraines can be accompanied by sensitivity to light and other related vision problems. It can also reduce your ability to drive safely at night.
You may also experience red eyes after drinking, or they may physically hurt. This is because too much alcohol causes the blood vessels in your eyes to grow, making your eyes appear red and bloodshot and sometimes feel painful.
Alcohol can also impact how well your eyes move and respond to your brain. This is because rapid eye movement is another side effect that can occur in those who consume too much alcohol over a long period of time. This condition is where your eyes move involuntarily back and forth. On the other hand, some people may experience a sort of paralysis of the eyes, due to a lack of necessary vitamins brought on by excessive drinking.
How to Avoid Alcohol-Related Eye Problems
You don’t have to give up alcohol entirely to prevent these negative vision-related side effects. As we mentioned before, drinking occasionally is not likely to cause any damage to your eyesight.
However, if you are a heavy drinker or have struggled with alcoholism in the past, you need to take control of your habits in order to save your eyesight (and your overall health, for that matter, but for now we’ll focus on your vision!). The good news is that there will be a difference in your eyes before and after quitting alcohol – even just a month will allow your liver to heal quite a bit if it isn’t too damaged already.
If you do consume alcohol, practice good habits while drinking. Pace yourself and never drink on an empty stomach. Also, be sure to drink water in between your alcoholic drinks in order to prevent yourself from getting drunk. Limit yourself to one drink an hour and remember that one drink can equal a glass of wine, a shot of hard liquor, or a can/bottle of beer.
Be aware of how much alcohol is being put into your mixed drinks as well, and always ask if you are not sure what is in the drink. It is much better to be informed about the alcohol content of your drinks than to pay the price later!
Additionally, you should know your own limits. You need to be aware of how much alcohol you can handle and make sure you stay within that limit. You should also monitor how often you drink to your own personal limit (or over it). By taking these steps, you can still enjoy the social effects of alcohol while protecting your eyes.
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Alcoholism is the no. 1 cause of WKS because people with the condition generally have a poor diet and alcohol also prevents vitamin B-1 absorption and storage. Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (WKS) is a type of brain disorder caused by a lack of vitamin B-1, or thiamine. Symptoms of WKS may include confusion, changes to the eyes and vision, or exaggerated storytelling, among others. It is a treatable condition, but left untreated, can cause permanent effects on vision and memory.
Thais this helped with my health project on alcohols and how it effects the body
from drinking everyday for the last 15 years my left eye wasn’t as sharp and my right eye was really blurry and cloudy. I thought maybe I was dehydrated from the drinking so I started buying pedialyte powder packets and mixed them in a glass of water every time I drank. after about 2 months I woke up one day and my vision was a tiny bit better. hmmmm interesting. I continued pedialyte every day and little by little my vision improved! A year later and not only is my vision restored its better then I ever remember! So go do this everyday!
I would suggest if you are a bigger person then me (160lbs) then do 2 glasses a day of a pediailyte. I would think vision restored would happen most likly but slowly
My brother is an ex football player who had the world by its balls. Two homes, great boat, beautiful wife three kids Lets drink everyday for 25 years. All he has is gone. He can barely walk ad is eyesight is 70% gone. His legs and eyes went to shit about the same time and very quickly. Did I mention that he’s 48 years old? If he quit drinking he might get a little better. As you can imagine he now has mote issues to boot. Can’t get into with other problems. Yes folks he has tried. When he dies will you be at the funeral?
My eyes are permanently damaged fromm alcohol …quit now before it’s too late!!L
I had underwent with a glaucoma surgery before a month, could you please suggest me whether i can consume alcohol atleast once in a week? And within that am regularly taking glaucoma medications for my non operated eye. can anyone please suggest whether i can take my medications even after my consumption of alcohol?
It would be a great help if i found a answer for this?
can this blurred eyes be refersed what can I do to help my eyes now
I quit smoking and started drinking heavely like three times a week. One day i got a really bad migraine that lasted about a week, doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me when i went to the ER. Long story short ive been suffering blurryness to light and feel faint when i walk .. Can anyone tell me whats wrong with me ????
Hi, my dad has been drinking for about 16 years -i know, its alot- but he never got anything really bad to his eyesight they didnt even appear red or bloodshot.that was untill last year when he started getting his eyes red, and they got worse by the month 🙁 now his eyes look completely red :'( and thats not all. Theres this white thing that formed next to his pupil and every month it seems to get closer and closer to his pupil. Can someone please help me???? I have tried research but i cant find anything. Im very close to my dad and by that i’ve cried lots of times because i dont want him to get something bad :””( we’ve tried to get him to stop drinking but almost everyone in his family and friends drink and he cant help it 🙁 i dont want him to lose his eyesight or even worse…. Please help!!!!!
Take him to a good eye specialist, or even a regular optomotrist should be able to tell you what is going on.Take him to the eye doctor!!
alcohol is bad for any one it is bad for eyes liver and other organs , best to abstain from it for better health.
alcohol kills everybody and everything
Thanks for the great post, Tyler. Your success story was very inspiring.
Anyway, my story is that lately, my eyes have been tearing up excessively after consuming alcohol. This never used to happen. Also, my vision would be blurry to the point where I can’t even read my text messages on my phone. And this is just after a drink or two.
My plan is to watch my alcohol intake from now on. It’s not fun when I’m always looking like I’m crying.
hi ive had flashing in my right eye for years on and of but i get it more when i drink more now im getting it in both eyes plus blured vision and foggy vision on and of every day i also drink every day about 8 to 10 cans a night have you any ideas if drink is cuasing it optisions said it could be a retener tearing go to aand e straght away i did now thay want a letter of doctor for me to see a specialist thanks
my son had alcohol poisoning and his eyesight is very blurred . is there any hope that he will regain his vision and is there any treatment available for him .
I drink every day; on average 4 beers, and my eyes tear excessively and are very itchy. I also have problems with skin allergies and I take Claritin in the morning and evening.
My question is if my drinking could be the cause of my watery and itchy eyes?
Thank you in advance for any help you provide and your time and attention.
You may be reacting to an allergy to the hops. Try switching to something less allergenic like vodka and stay away from all hops for 6 months to see if it clears up. No cheating or your body goes back to sqaure one. Hope you feel better soon.
Drinking a lot of alcohol over a long period of time damages the brain ……. You can get permanently blurred vision or even double vision – alcohol do not damages brain itself only if you get wet brain from lack of vitamin. So its cant get you permanent blurred vision. Optic neuropathy is true but very rare. “damage your ability to see contrast in colors” dont lie the only researchs has been done after ingestion not in long term alcoholics. Alcohols can damage your eyes due to hypertension from alcohol consuption but other what you wrote tunel vision contrast and pupil dilation are temporary not permanent there was no studies who shows such correlation or any case. This myths are from source Alexander, Larry J, OD. Primary Care of the Posterior Segment, Third Edition. Mcgraw-Hill, 2002. 12 years! you know how we learn about alcohol eyes and brain from that time?
Hi, I was diagnosed with Graves’ Disease in March 2004. The endocrinologist doctor I had recommended a Radioactive iodine treatment. He said, “Your eyes may change, but, probably not.” When asked further, he said, don’t worry about it. I trusted him. He never explained the hazards or what could possibly happen to my eyes. Well, within 1 1/2 weeks my eyes started protruding and the ophthalmologist I was referred to said it was too late. He said he would not have recommended this for me and then, he said something devastating to me. He said my eyes would never be the way they were, that they would always protrude. And now I have glaucoma. Every single day since then, I am aware of my eyes. I couldn’t even talk about this for the first 6 years or so without getting hysterical. I have trouble using things like lutein. Is there something else I can take? I do take vitamins everyday. Thanks for your help!
Hi Susan,
We always advise speaking to your doctor about your specific eye conditions. Here is a link to the information we have on glaucoma.
I have similar symptoms and skin rashes/allergies, and am reaching the conclusion it is a histamine intolerance.
I’m sure this is way late but you eyes get dehydrated too.
No, do not drink alcohol. You are only looking for validation to drink from some random person on the internet. My advice is: abstain from it 99% of the time, if you can. Better yet, consult your doctor or surgeon.
I recommend that you try to get him into N.A’s. Non Alcoholic beers. I’ve been sober for 8 months now; mainly relying on prayer and asking God to take away my addiction. Getting prayer always helps too. I know and agree that Odouls sucks, but there are great tasting N.A’s that you can find in the states such as Erdinger, Cluasthaler Amber Ale, Bitburger Drive, and my favorite Schmoz 120 IPA. That one is from michigan and can be shipped to you through a company called Premium Near Beer. Well I wish you and your Dad the best and pray that he has a breakthrough and realizes that he is bigger and better than alcohol. I’m more productive myself now, healthier, and loosing weight. Take care man!
Jamila you should tell your dad to go to the doctor at soon as possible they might be signs of cirrhosis of the liver ,eyes tells you everything from in the body ..
Eye floaters consistent