Vision Conditions and Diseases

Many eyes diseases like glaucoma and cataracts can lead to complete and permanent blindness, but people often disregard common eye conditions like astigmatism and presbyopia as major threats. The articles here talk about the dangers of some of today’s most common eye problems and how you can take precautions and steps to improve eye health naturally.

Eye Safety for College Students

Eye Safety for College Students

With the start of the semester just around the corner, college students know that long study days are quickly approaching. With so much information to take in in such a short period of time, it’s no secret that you’ll be putting your eyes to work, whether it’s through reading dense textbooks or staring at the […]

Best Eye Vitamins for Cataracts

5 Vitamins a Day to Keep Macular Degeneration at Bay

About one in six Americans 40 years or older have already started developing cataracts in one or both eyes. By the time they hit 75 years old, that number jumps to about 50 percent. Over half of all seniors in Western countries have had some type of experience with cataracts. Whether they currently have cataracts […]

A Demonstration on Nearsightedness

Demonstration on Nearsightedness

When we start noticing vision changes, especially drastic changes, it’s a pretty common response to head to the eye doctor to see what’s up. One of the most common problems people seek help for is blurry vision. Understanding the causes behind blurry vision is key to getting proper treatment. And, one of the most common […]

How Close Work Can Cause Nearsightedness

How Close Work Can Cause Nearsightedness

Nearsightedness, which is also referred to as myopia, occurs when closely viewed objects are seen clearly while objects viewed farther away are blurry. Millions of people suffer from nearsightedness. Fortunately, it is a condition that can be treated without resorting to corrective lenses or surgery, such as LASIK. Close work, whether it be sitting too […]

Do You Know Your Family’s Eye Health History?

Do You Know Your Family's Eye Health History?

Most people recognize the importance of knowing their family medical history. We know that if there is a history of cancer or diabetes in our family, there are certain tests we should get more often. But, do you know that you should also be aware of your family’s eye health history? There are some eye […]

Facts About Cataracts: The Leading Cause of Blindness in Seniors

Facts About Cataracts Image

Cataracts are one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide. This is partially because cataracts themselves are so pervasive. More than half of Americans over the age of 80 have some degree of cataract formation in their eyes. With so many people experiencing the effects of this eye condition, it is even more important that […]

Computer Vision Syndrome: You’re Not Alone

Computer Vision Syndrome: You are not alone

In a world increasingly dependent on computers and technology, nearly everyone is putting serious strain on their eyes. Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is a problem involving your eyes and vision that occurs when you spend too much time on the computer. Going by this definition, nearly everyone in the world suffers from CVS. If you […]

How to Get Rid of Eye Floaters Naturally

How to Get Rid of Eye Floaters Naturally

You’re staring at a blank wall when you notice small moving figures. They seem to squirm and squiggle across the wall. What is going on? These weird shapes and squiggles are often called “floaters.” They can be especially alarming if you’ve never noticed them before. However, it’s perfectly normal to see some floaters when you […]

The Importance of Age-Related Eye Disease Studies

Age-Related Eye Disease Studies Image

Aging is an unfortunate fact of life. While growing older brings many benefits like increased wisdom and experiences, it also causes your body to change, your abilities to decrease, and your mind to slow down. Your eyes are no exception; there are many age-related eye diseases that everyone is at risk for. People over the […]

The Many Ways Aging Can Impact Eyesight

Just as our bodies age, so do our eyes. The aging process impacts every single part of us, and unfortunately, our eyes are not immune to it. Our eyesight can worsen over time due to little other than the aging process. Year after year, we may need a stronger prescription and new glasses. As the […]

About the Author

Avatar for Tyler Sorensen

Tyler Sorensen is the President and CEO of Rebuild Your Vision. Formerly, Tyler studied Aeronautics (just like his brother) with the dream of becoming an airline pilot, however, after 9/11 his career path changed. After graduating top of his class with a Bachelor of Science in Informational Technologies and Administrative Management, he joined Rebuild Your Vision in 2002. With the guidance of many eye care professionals, including Behavioral Optometrists, Optometrists (O.D.), and Ophthalmologists (Eye M.D.), Tyler has spent nearly two decades studying the inner workings of the eye and conducting research.


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